Penguins By Brooke jade siegel
Young The parent feeds the chick. Now the chick is not hungry. When the chick gets bigger, it will go to sea. It will take care of itself. Most birds build nests for their eggs. But on the ice in Antarctica, there are no twigs or leaves. There are no grass or mud.
Habitat Some of them are able to live in the coldest parts of the world. Others live very close to the equator where it is quite warm. They are found on every single island there. Some penguins live on thick sheets of ice most of the time due to the extremely cold whether.
Body Parts Penguins have strong, flat wings. They use their wings to swim though the sea. Male penguins watch the eggs. Penguins us to be able to fly millions of years ago but they lost there ability to fly so they can’t fly today.
Food They can clean salt out of the water. They drink fresh water and salt dribbles into the ocean. They swim and dive underwater to hunt for food such as fish, squid, and crustaceans. This helps them catch food. Penguins eat fish, krill, and squid they feed their young.
Predators Penguins are a food source for a number of marine mammals, especially leopard seals. These seals hide under ice flows and wait prey. Other marine mammal predators are sea lions and orcas. The penguins aren’t without protection though.