The zoo Alexis anderson Angela contrastino
lions A lions eye sight is five times better than a humans. A lions roar can be heard from five miles away The average lifespan is 13 years.
Buffalo Buffalo are herbivores, they eat grass. They are fully independent by the age of one. They weigh around 1,500 – 2,650 pounds.
zebras 1. No zebra has two of the same stripes. 2. Zebras do almost everything in herds. 3. Their stripes help other zebras identify them.
snakes Snakes shed their skin around three times a year. There are more than 3,000 different species in the world. Snakes forked tongues help them to smell and taste chemical composition in the air.
Seals - There are eight different species of southern fur seals. - They have keen hearing and good eyesight. - Seals are protected by 911 because they were hunted so much during the 19 th century.
Penguins Penguins catch food underwater and raise their young on land Penguins can spend up to 75% of the life in water. Each penguin has a different call which allows them to find their mate.
Whales - Whales are warm blooded. - They breathe air into their lugs, and feed their young milk. - The tail fins allow whales to propel themselves through the water.
Polar bears Polar bears hunt seals for food. Polar bears are marine mammals. They are also known to eat walrus and whale.
tigers - Tigers way up to 720 pounds - Tigers wait until its dark to begin their hunting. - Tigers have been known to eat up to 60 pounds of meat in one night for food. - Tigers enjoy water, unlike most cats.
Elephants Elephants have a very high risk of habitat loss. Elephants eat grass, bark, leaves and bamboo. They usually travel in herds, the herds contain up to elephants.
Crocodiles - Crocodiles are fast over short distances. - Crocodiles of the strongest bite of any animal. - Crocodiles can survive a long time without food.
Pandas Pandas have to eat 20 to 45 pounds of bamboo a day. There is an estimated number of 2,000 pandas living in the wild. Unlike other bears, pandas do not hibernate.
Works cited page facts facts ts/animals/crocodile.html ts/animals/crocodile.html bear/basic-facts bear/basic-facts