REVELATION 2:1-7 YOUR FIRST LOVE THE FIRST OF THE - “7 letters to the 7 Churches”
The 7 Churches of Revelation The Number “7” – The Biblical number of completion ( 7 days in a week, 7 th day is Holy, 7 colors in a rainbow, 7 notes in a musical scale, 7 major oceans, 7 major continents, 7 Trumpets, 7 Seals, 7 Bowls, 7- fold Spirit before the Throne, etc.) 1. Ephesus –The Loveless Church 2. Smyrna – The Lasting Church - a “positive” name 3. Pergamum – The Lenient Church 4. Thyatira – The Licentious Church 5. Sardis – The Lifeless Church 6. Philadelphia – The Loved Church - a “positive” name 7. Laodicea – The Lukewarm Church
THE THREE COMMON ELEMENTS OF THE LETTERS 1. Commendation - A recounting of the “good things.” 2. Condemnation – A listing of the “bad things.” 3. Challenge/Charge – A word of instruction or warning. Read Text: Revelation 2:12-17
PERGAMUM – THE LENIENT CHURCH I. THE COMMENDATIONS “ I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE…” 1. Where Satan has his throne… 2. Yet faithful - True to MY NAME – Did not renounce faith in Me. 3. Even in the “days of Antipas.”
PERGAMUM – THE LENIENT CHURCH II. THE CONDEMNATION 1. The “way of Balaam.” 2. The practice of the Nicolaitans.
PERGAMUM – THE LENIENT CHURCH IIIa. THE CHALLENGE REPENT – or I will come against you with the sword …
PERGAMUM – THE LENIENT CHURCH IIIb. THE CHARGE HEAR AND OBEY! 1. Hidden Manna – supernatural strength 2. White Stone – open doors of opportunity 3. New Name – a new level of “intimacy”