Recent and future research for the fire safety of hydrogen-fueled vehicles in JARI Appearance of Hy-SEF
Recent and future research for the fire safety of hydrogen-fueled vehicles in JARI Appearance of Hy-SEF Most of recent studies for the hydrogen fuelled vehicles in Japan are closely related to the national projects aiming promotion of commercialization of fuel cell vehicles. The project is mainly organized by NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization). JARI plays an important role related to NEDO project. Research and data acquisition activities for safety of hydrogen fuelled vehicle are extensively carried out in JARI.
Focus on hydrogen fire safety in JARI Recent study ◦ Safety assessment of feared items in firefighting Soundness and behavior of the storage system exposed to discharge water The spread of fire from adjoining vehicles to a HFCV ◦ Validation of the safety standard of a HFCV Development of a burner for localized fire test and validation Future study ◦ Study on accident correspondence of HFCV 3
Focus on hydrogen fire safety in JARI Recent study ◦ Safety assessment of feared items in firefighting Soundness and behavior of the storage system exposed to discharge water The spread of fire from adjoining vehicles to a HFCV ◦ Validation of the safety standard of a HFCV Development of a burner for localized fire test and validation Future study ◦ Study on accident correspondence of HFCV 4
In fire fighting activity for the vehicle fire, if water is used to extinguish fire, several fears are considered. ◦ For example The weakening of the tank by heat shock. The reclosing of TPRD. We investigate the study to confirm the soundness of the tank in such situation. 5
Bursttest Water Natural cooling New tank Cooling timing: A tank was cooled by water spray After PRD activated. 6
The tank cooled by water spray after PRD activated no cooling PRD activated The reclosing of PRD Emergency vent valve opened PRD reclosed by water spray. 7
Burst Crack in Liner Screw damage Bursting pressure of water cooling cases are equal to or greater than that of air cooling cases. It means water cooling does not damage the tank. This point was conducted on the fire exposure burst test of tank without PRD. 8
The experiments clarified The spraying water during activation of the fused metal type PRD may result in closure of the PRD. But the spraying water is useful for maintaining the strength of CFRP composite tanks. 9
Focus on hydrogen fire safety in JARI Recent study ◦ Safety assessment of feared items in firefighting Soundness and behavior of the storage system exposed to discharge water The spread of fire from adjoining vehicles to a HFCV ◦ Validation of the safety standard of a HFCV Development of a burner for localized fire test and validation Future study ◦ Study on accident correspondence of HFCV 10
September 12,11:40-12:00 Session 2A: Risk Assessment – Safety Paper ID No Fire test on juxtaposed gasoline vehicle and HFCV Multiple-HFCV fire test assuming a car carrier
Focus on hydrogen fire safety in JARI Recent study ◦ Safety assessment of feared items in firefighting Soundness and behavior of the storage system exposed to discharge water The spread of fire from adjoining vehicles to a HFCV ◦ Validation of the safety standard of a HFCV Development of a burner for localized fire test and validation Future study ◦ Study on accident correspondence of HFCV 12
Temperature -time profiles for a localized fire test 13
14 Propane burner for localized fire test IR image of cyliner surface Flame temperature and pressure
Focus on hydrogen fire safety in JARI Recent study ◦ Safety assessment of feared items in firefighting Soundness and behavior of the storage system exposed to discharge water The spread of fire from adjoining vehicles to a HFCV ◦ Validation of the safety standard of a HFCV Development of a burner for localized fire test and validation Future study ◦ Study on accident correspondence of HFCV 15
JAMA-JARI extracted a necessary problem after the collisions and fire of HFCV.
17 Did PRD activate? Method to confirm the activation of PRD Is there hydrogen leak? Relationship of the minimum audible pressure and flow rate for hydrogen leakage Can you stop leak? Study of the technique to stop hydrogen leakage Method to identify of the leak point from remoteness Can you move vehicle or rescue ever if you not stop a leak? Relationship between hydrogen diffusion and wind speed Safety evaluation of the high pressure pipe cutting
Release or Filling at the public road? Method to identify the soundness of the vessel Safety method to release the gas of the vessel How should we approach vehicle after crush or fire ? Method to narrow a safe distance Explosion direction of a weakened vessel Etc… The goal of these research is 2013Y.
The research in JARI is considered about conditions to be encountered in real world situation widely. It is desired that these acquired data are applied effectively to develop global safety strategies. 19