Water Resources G. Tyler Miller’s Living in the Environment 13 th Edition Chapter 14 G. Tyler Miller’s Living in the Environment 13 th Edition Chapter 14
Objectives: Summarize the abundance and use of water. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of dams. Summarize the abundance and use of water. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of dams.
Question: How much water do you use on a daily basis (directly and indirectly)? 1430 gal/day (2000,
Supply of Water Resources Fig p. 314 Freshwater 2.6% Readily accessible freshwater Biota % Biota % Rivers % Rivers % Atmospheric water vapor % Atmospheric water vapor % Lakes % Soil moisture % Groundwater 0.592% Groundwater 0.592% Ice caps and glaciers 1.984% 0.014% Haves and have-nots
Surface Water Surface runoff Reliable runoff Watershed (drainage basin)
Evaporation and transpiration Evaporation Stream Infiltration Water table Infiltration Unconfined aquifer Confined aquifer Lake Well requiring a pump Flowing artesian well Runoff Precipitation Confined Recharge Area Aquifer Less permeable material such as clay Confirming permeable rock layer Ground Water Water in soil/rock pores. Watertable Aquifer Recharge - slow
Sioux Falls Water Where do we get our water?
Use of Water Resources Humans use about 50% of reliable runoff Increase use Distribution concerns United States Industry 11% Public 10% Power cooling 38% Agriculture 41% 5,500 5,000 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1, Water use (cubic kilometers per year) Total use Agricultural use Industrial use Domestic use Year 5,500 5,000 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1, Water use (cubic kilometers per year) Total use Agricultural use Industrial use Domestic use Year Total use Agricultural use Industrial use Total use Agricultural use Domestic use Industrial use Total use Agricultural use
Too Little Water - Causes Dry climate Drought Desiccation – plant loss Water stress – pop. growth Acute shortage Adequate supply Shortage Metropolitan regions with population greater than 1 million Fig p. 317
Global Problems Water Stressed – 1700m 3 /y/person Water Scarcity – 1000m3/y/person billion Timing & storage Fig p. 318 HighNone North America South America Stress Africa Europe Asia Australia
Increase Supplies - Solutions? Reservoirs Transfers Groundwater Desalination Conserve Import Food
Dam Good! Capture and store runoff. Control floods Power Irrigation and domestic Recreation
Dam Bad! Reduce flow Prevents all of these Deliver nutrients to the sea sustain coastal fisheries Deposit silt that maintains deltas Purify water Renew and nourish wetlands Provide habitats for aquatic life Conserve species diversity
Mission: You are the supreme water dictator of the world. How do you come up with a solution to global water issues?
Objectives: Summarize the abundance and use of water. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of dams. Summarize the abundance and use of water. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of dams.