Time for Rotary We believe there is no better time to get involved with Rotary DO YOU HAVE THE TIME?
When you think of Rotary, What comes to mind? You don’t currently have the time for Rotary. You think Rotary is an “Old Boys Club”. You’re actually not even sure what Rotary does. A bit of “all” of the above ARE WE RIGHT?
“With all the things going on in my life, I don’t have enough time in the day for Rotary.” “When my life settles down a bit I’ll consider Rotary.” “I would like to give back to my community but what kind of time commitment is involved if I join?” Is This You?
What if we told you we believe there AR E enough hours IN THE DAY FOR ROTARY?
But before we tell you WHY Let’s talk a bit about Rotary
Rotary International exists because people like you working together, to accomplish extraordinary things in your community and across the world. WITH MORE THAN 1.2 MILLION MEMBERS We’re the world’s LARGEST Service Organization There are over 34,000 Clubs in more than 200 COUNTRIES Leavenworth Rotary is one of those Clubs.
And each Club is distinct with their own UNIQUE COMMUNITY PROJECTS See how we are MAKING A DIFFERENCE in our community Leavenworth Free ClinicStudent Exchange Program
But we know it’s difficult TO FIND TIME IN YOUR BUSY SCHEDULE for Rotary
The minimum commitment of time for Rotary is about 4 HOURS IT’S ALL ABOUT MAKING ROTARY WORK FOR YOU! Each Club selects one consistent time to meet, which usually occurs over a meal or in the evenings. Other than meetings, you can also give your time by helping with committees and working on projects. You’re also welcome to attend Club meetings in the area or across the globe. A GREAT WAY TO CONNECT & MEET NEW FRIENDS! PER M0NTH!
But just what is Rotary? AND WHY DOES ROTARY CARE? We work to give back. We want to create a better future and make a difference. We know we can’t do it alone, so we get support and strength from other Rotarians both in our community and across the world. “Service Above Self”
Your time will help CREATE CHANGE here and across the globe. Local Rotary Clubs support International projects in other countries as well. Through exchange and other programs, being a member of Rotary also gives you the opportunity to do hands on work in other countries if you so wish to do so. THAT’S THE DIFFERENCE WITH ROTARY
And we’re really NOT the either. We are men and women of all ages, who come from all different WALKS OF LIFE Together, we are all dedicated friends and neighbors who volunteer our time to MAKE A DIFFERENCE
We believe that when it comes down to it, however, the BIGGEST benefit you will get if you find time for Rotary is the great feeling you will get knowing you’re doing SOMETHING WORTHWHILE HERE AND ACROSS THE WORLD.
The time you give will be more than rewarded by the SMILES & THANKS you will get from the people your help.
All it takes is a little bit of your time, and a willingness to GET INVOLVED
Still questioning if you HAVE TIME FOR ROTARY?
The impact you could make by offering your time for Rotary means everything to the people you help.
You take time for FAMILY
You take time for Work
You take time for FAMILY Why not take time to MAKE A DIFFERENCE
Join us for just one meeting and see if you can make TIME FOR ROTARY
Leavenworth Rotary meets at 11:45am every Friday at Kristall’s Restaurant 280 Hwy 2, Leavenworth, WA Have questions: call We invite you to join us!