The Green Team Roots & Shoots
What is Roots& Shoots Internationally It’s a community that people around the world join. It’s a community that people around the world join. It’s for kids and teenagers. It’s for kids and teenagers. They make sure that they save the environment. They make sure that they save the environment.
Who started Roots and Shoots? Jane Goodall
What is Roots& Shoots? Locally A group of students that who are ready to work. People who are ready to spare a a bit of there time for the environment. People who care about the environment. Students from QA
Who started it in QA? Ahmed AbdulMawjood Abdurrahman Meagahed Abdurrahman Baig
What is the Green Team Trying to Do? Making the school greener. Making the school greener. Providing Students with new projects Providing Students with new projects
What are the projects of our local Roots & Shoots group ? Indoor Green Area Outside Garden Project Plant Donation Beach Clean-up
What are the projects of our local Roots & Shoots group ? Earth Day Booth in Quack Fest
What are the projects of our local Roots & Shoots group ? Beach Clean Up
How can you become a part of the Green Team Donate a Plant Donate a Plant Come to our meetings During The Sundays or Mondays
How you can learn more about our work? Global Issues Network Global Issues Network Root & Shoots On-Line