Show why it’s cool not to smoke Look at ways you can avoid doing things you don’t want to
Smoking can make you very ill. It can cause lung cancer. Every year many thousands of people die due to smoking. If you are near someone smoking you may also breathe in smoke – this is called passive smoking. The number of people who die from smoking is the same as a jumbo jet crashing every day with all the passengers being killed. Smoking can cause bad breath and yellow fingers
What can you do if someone is pressuring you into smoking? Work in groups to find some solutions. When you are ready, click the arrow to go to a slide where you can record your thoughts.
What can you do if someone is pressuring you into smoking?
Can you think of any catchy slogans that are anti-smoking? You could have: COOL TO SMOKE? MORE LIKE COOL TO CHOKE!
Write and direct an advert for television showing different ways children cannot be forced into smoking and resist the pressure of others.
INTRODUCTION Present the first two slides of the PowerPoint and read the objectives for the lesson Ask the children what they know about smoking and have a class discussion DISCUSSION Go through the smoking facts on slide three, stopping after each animation. Discuss each fact and have a show of hands to see whether the class believe each fact is true or false, all are true (Last animation is bad breath and yellow fingers) Show next slide and discuss what children can do if they are being pressured into smoking – being assertive not aggressive. Present groups with Slide 7 and groups brainstorm what they can do if they feel pressured Show next slide up to ‘Cool Slogans’ say what a slogan is and show next animations. Give groups Slide 8 and ask them to think of cool anti-smoking slogans TASK Display last slide and present task. Discuss layout and format of an advert Split class into mixed ability groups and ask them to ‘produce’ an anti-smoking advert with a catchy slogan