The Vietnam War Section 3 Vietnam Divides the Nation
Growing Credibility Gap Gen William Westmoreland – Commander in S. Vietnam for years declared the enemy was on the brink of defeat. Media contridicted those reports. 1 st “television war” These reports caused the credibility gap.
Gen. Westmoreland
Teach-Ins Teach-In – U of Michigan teachers and students formally discussed issues of the war instead of regular material. May 1965, 122 colleges held, “National Teach- In” by radio.
Anger At the Draft Beginning of war, college students could defer service until after graduation. This meant, low income and minorities were more likely to be drafted. This got Dr. MLK involved and as war went on America increased the draft putting everyone at risk. Estimated 500,000 refused to serve.
Anger At the Draft 3,300 were prosecuted for refusing to serve. America went to a lottery system instead. 1971, 26 th Amendment, lowered the age to vote in all elections to 18.
Hawks vs. Doves Doves – wanted the U.S. to withdraw from the war Hawks – insisted the U.S. stay and fight
1968 – The Pivotal Year January 30, during Tet, Vietnamese New Year, The Vietcong launched a massive surprise attack known as the Tet Offensive. Attacked all American airbases and most major cities, and the American embassy in Saigon.
Tet Offensive
1968 Militarily, the Tet Offensive was a disaster for the Vietcong. Politically, it was a nightmare for the U.S. that someone, “close to defeat”, could mount such a huge attack. Media claimed the war would end in a stalemate.
Walter Cronkite
1968 Presidential Election Johnson is defeated in the New Hampshire primary by Eugene McCarthy and decides to leave the race. Sen. Robert Kennedy enters the race after Johnson leaves.
Season of Violence April, 1968, James Earl Ray, kills MLK, Jr. June, 1968, Sirhan Sirhan, an Arab nationalist assassinates Robert Kennedy. Riots break out at the Dem. National Convention.
MLK, Jr. Assassinated James Earl RayLorraine Motel, Memphis, TN
Robert Kennedy Assassinated Sirhan Robert Kennedy
1968 Election Richard Nixon wins by a very slim margin. He promises to have a plan to end the war. His chief goal was to, “Bring Us Together”.
Richard Nixon
End of Section 3 Next: Section 4 The War Winds Down