Adventure Works: The ultimate source for outdoor equipment Why do people judge others and don’t accept people’s differences ? Liana Shamshoum
How much time do you spend judging others ?
Why can't we accept people for who they are and accept people for their differences?
I think it is because that if we find ourselves to be different than others, it would make us question if we are wrong and the human ego hates to feel wrong.So if we can’t accept our differences how can we accept others’ ?
Judging people is a defensive system handed down from our ancient grandparents. It's about knowing others. If there are two types of people, you will feel more comfortable with the one you understand. You will feel less comfortable with the one you cannot anticipate. Eventually, you may find them non-threatening on their own but, being in a stress situations, you never know how they will react.
Do you think stereotype is a bad thing ?
Adventure Works: The ultimate source for outdoor equipment Stereotyping is not necessary a bad thing. We have to be able to quickly identify a friend or possible threats in our environment. It's only a bad thing when we refuse to accept someone's behavior because it does not fit into the evaluation we have already placed them in.
Why do you think we judge others ?
We are insecure when we are unhappy with ourselves we try to put others down to make us feel satisfied. Though,it doesn't usually builds us up.
We are scared. Often, when we're scared of other people, we'll put them down. For example at work Coworkers band together and make fun of their boss. Or two women see a prettier woman as a threat and they make fun of her outfit.
We are lonely. We look for someone to bond with by talking about others in a negative way.
We are seeking change. When we want our own lives to be different, we are quick to judge the lives of others. For example, if someone is successful in his life, we say negative things about him. Or if we see a happy couple we also say negative things such as “ they don’t match “
Adventure Works: The ultimate source for outdoor equipment Do you ever imagined how much some people suffer of judgment?
Hurt other people. 5 Things Judgments Do:
Make you feel worse about you. When you judge others, if you have a good heart you will feel bad afterward. You won't feel good about yourself.
Stereotypes. The more judgments out there in the world, the more stereotypes get formed and people are trying to live up (or avoid) the ideas of what they are "supposed" to be.
Put negativity into the world. No matter how you judge others your judgments does not bring anything good into the world. They bring others down.
Encourage you to judge yourself. If you're judging others, you're probably judging yourself pretty harshly as well. That means if you are a good person you look for the good things in others and if you are a bad person you reflect your bad things in others, so when you talk bad things about them you’re describing yourself.