By: Bruce Bowlin 3rd
To lose weight, start diet at dinner A bigger breakfast(500 to 700 calories) can prevent afternoon or evening cookie-binges + + in morning =
Not good to load up in the morning if you exercise A light breakfast(100 to 300 calories) is a lot better with a snack later It helps you run on fuel, not fumes Eat half a breakfast times 1/2
One good post-exercise breakfast is fluids They are easy to make and provide the vitamins and nutrients you need
A big, hearty breakfast is important It tames hunger and provides energy for good work outs Athletes who ate breakfast with an energy bar later worked 20% harder at workouts than those who didn’t
Wholesome cereal, low-fat milk, banana, and orange juice Peanut butter-banana-honey sandwich Bran muffin plus a vanilla yogurt (the last two are grab-and-go)
The true way to help your diet is to start with dinner A good breakfast provides energy for workouts and the rest of the day It’s the meal of champions, don’t make excuses!