1 The Model Acts 2:42-47 StudyingFellowshippingWorshipingWitnessing
2 Studying What was most important? What were they studying? Who was doing the teaching? Why were they the teachers? When was this taking place? Where were they looking?
3 The Model Acts 2:42-47 Fellowshipping Fellowship – common participation in God Happening on many levels Vertical fellowship leads to horizontal fellowship – 1 John 1 Sharing “in” leads to sharing “out”
4 The Model Acts 2:42-47 Worshiping “to the breaking of bread” – formal Centered in person and work of Christ Centered in person and work of Christ Constant altar call Constant altar call Commonality of being “in Christ” Commonality of being “in Christ” “to the prayers” – formal “broke bread in their homes”
5 The Model Acts 2:42-47 Witnessing This church grew in maturity This church also grew in numbers Note #1: These were not transplanted Christians but new souls were added to their numbers daily!!!! Note #2: Who was doing the adding?
6 The Model Acts 2:42-47 Summary: This is an example of a spirit-filled church marked by various relationships. Relationship #1: Apostles – submission Relationship #2: Each other – love Relationship #3: God – worship Relationship #4: The world – outreach
7 The Model Acts 2:42-47 Application #1 Is Providence Bible Church in accord with this model? Are we submitting to the authority of the Holy Scriptures, truly loving our neighbors, worshiping God in a Christ centered manner while reaching out to a lost world with the good news of the cross?
8 The Model Acts 2:42-47 Application #2 Are you personally living in accord with this model? Are you submitting to the authority of the Holy Scriptures, truly loving your neighbors, worshiping God in a Christ centered manner while reaching out to a lost world with the good news of the cross?