Computer Control Using computers to do tasks
What are Computers used for? ringing your alarm clock. microwaving your breakfast checking for text messages controlling life support systems controlling traffic lights printing newspapers controlling photocopiers flying planes recording your favourite program.
Computers are good at… Jobs that are difficult Jobs that are dangerous Jobs that are boring Jobs that need repeating many times
Computers are not good at … Jobs that require lots of variety Jobs that require learning Jobs that require adaptive behaviour Jobs that require prediction
Language of Control We need Instructions that are Simple Logical Precise Clear
How to Make Tea… Start Put water in kettle Boil kettle Find teapot Put tea in pot Fill up with water Find cup Put milk in cup Pour tea into cup Stop
Instruction Details What do we mean by “put water in kettle”? Whole process on its own A process is a set of instructions A SUB process is a small set of instructions.
Making Toast…….. Work out the correct order for the instructions. Click to see if you are correct. Start Stop Remove toast from toaster Wait 2 minutes Put bread into toaster Push down handle