The Process of Conversion CAT105/Session 1 – Youth Evangelization Tuesday, February 23, 2016Tuesday, February 23, 2016Tuesday, February 23, 2016Tuesday, February 23, 2016
The Process of Conversion February 23, 2016February 23, 2016February 23, Conversion is the process of metanoia, transformation in Christ. This change is: a.Is a work of the Lord Jesus. b.Is a slow and gradual process. c.Is the fruit of God’s grace and our free response to His invitation.
The Process of Conversion February 23, 2016February 23, 2016February 23, Conversion is the process of metanoia, transformation in Christ. This change is: d.A personal change of heart with a firm resolution to reorient one’s life to Christ (conversion). e.A call to deeper participation in the Body of Christ (communion). f.The desire to live in justice with others (solidarity).
The Process of Conversion February 23, 2016February 23, 2016February 23, 2016 The Catechumenate and Conversion GDC #59. The model for all catechesis is the baptismal catechumenate… GDC #90 Post-baptismal catechesis, without slavishly imitating the structure of the baptismal catechumenate, and recognizing in those to be catechized the reality of their Baptism, does well, however, to draw inspiration from "this preparatory school for the Christian life", (295) and to allow itself to be enriched by those principal elements which characterize the catechumenate.
The Process of Conversion February 23, 2016February 23, 2016February 23, Stages of the Catechumenate, GDC #88. a.Evangelization - Pre-Evangelization - Evangelization b.The Catechumenate c.Purification and Enlightenment d.Mystagogia
The Process of Conversion February 23, 2016February 23, 2016February 23, Characteristics of Pre-Evangelization a.Preparation to encounter Christ and receive the Gospels b.Built on holy, healthy relationships c.Introduces the person to the Christian Community d.No Doctrine e.Keywords: Hospitality, Acceptance, Love
The Process of Conversion February 23, 2016February 23, 2016February 23, Characteristics of Evangelization a.Proclamation of the Salvation of Christ - Kerygma b.Invitation to conversion, being like Christ c.Commitment to Christ and the Church d.Answers one’s basic question about life e.Can be repeated at every moment of our lives f.Keywords: Conversion and Commitment
The Process of Conversion February 23, 2016February 23, 2016February 23, Characteristics of Catechesis a.Christocentric – deepens our relationship with Christ b.Stage of Christian Maturation c.Aims: Communion, understanding, change d.Complete, Systematic, Organic e.Keywords: Understanding, Change, Depth
The Process of Conversion February 23, 2016February 23, 2016February 23, Characteristics of Purification/Enlightenment a.Prayer and meditation on the Word of God/Deposit of Faith b.Turning away from sin and repentance c.Deeper knowledge of Christ the Savior d.Lent e.Keywords: Interior Transformation, Death to Self
The Process of Conversion February 23, 2016February 23, 2016February 23, Characteristics of Mystagogia a.Deeper reflection on the ‘mysteries’, the grace of the Sacraments b.Deepening in the Scriptures/Gospels, participation in the Eucharist and works of charity c.Support from Christian community, especially godparents d.Renewing the Temporal Order e.Keywords: Sacraments, Service, Stewardship
The Process of Conversion February 23, 2016February 23, 2016February 23, The Flow of the Catechumenate a.Alienated b.Attendees c.Participants d.Pray-ers e.Servants
The Process of Conversion 9. Conversion in youth takes into account: a.Family background b.Intellectual and Mental Characteristics c.Physical Characteristics d.Social/Emotional Characteristics February 23, 2016February 23, 2016February 23, 2016
The Process of Conversion 10. Difficulties in today’s youth culture. a.Breakdown in the family b.Moral relativism c.Inability to form relationships d.Secular humanism/practical atheism February 23, 2016February 23, 2016February 23, 2016
The Process of Conversion 11. The Signs of conversion in teens a.Live and witness a life of holiness. b.Commitment to reading and studying the Word of God. c.Prayer and living the Sacramental life. d.Desire to know Faith e.Desire to serve with apostolic zeal February 23, 2016February 23, 2016February 23, 2016
The Process of Conversion 12. The Signs of conversion in teens f.Courageous in the proclamation of the Good News, both in witness and word among their peers. g.Participate in the communal life of the parish. h.Desire for vocation and mission. i.Joy February 23, 2016February 23, 2016February 23, 2016
The Process of Conversion February 23, 2016February 23, 2016February 23, 2016 For Discussion How have you seen teens grow in this process of conversion?