Job 22-23
Job 22 Eliphaz Job 22:21 Good comes from submit to God Sometimes that means discipline But not in Job's case He has been disciplined enough!
Job 22 Eliphaz Job 22:22-23 Just keeps harping on same old Must be some secret sin Confess it & turn to God As though Job doesn't know God Not true
Job 22 Eliphaz Job 22:24-30 Assumes God is Job's enemy God is not Job's enemy Many people stumble on this point
Job 22 Eliphaz “This is an attitude which is still one of the greatest deterrents in the preaching of the gospel. Men are sinners – this should be made very clear – but God today is not at emnity with this world.”
Job 22 Eliphaz “You and I don't need to do anything to reconcile God; Christ did this for us. God is reconciled and has His arms outstretched to a lost world, saying,”
Job 22 Eliphaz “'You can come to Me, but you must come My way. You must come by the One who told you 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes unto the Father but by Me.'' If you come His way, you can come with boldness into the presence of God.”
Job 22 Eliphaz “God will meet you with a great welcome and abundance of spiritual blessing.” Eliphaz not representing God well No help or comfort to Job
Job 23 Job 7 th answer from Job to friends Expresses deep longing for God Wants to present case before God Sensing that God is testing him Sensing God will deliver him
Job 23 Job Job 23:1-2 You see my condition You've heard my complaint Worse than it looks Worse than I can tell you
Job 23 Job Job 23:3 Wants to find God amidst trial Wants presence of God Wants to defend himself Not needing throne of judgment Already been there
Job 23 Job Job 23:3 Already been disciplined Won't somebody help me? Bring me into presence of God
Job 23 Job Job 23:4 Says ready to defend himself No one can defend self before God All of us are guilty as charged
Job 23 Job Job 23:4 What will happen when Job finally does get into the presence of God? Will he defend himself?
Job 23 Job Job 23:5 Wonders what God would say Whoever seeks Him will find Him That is our blessed assurance God will meet whoever seeks Him
Job 23 Job Job 23:6-9 “God is not found by running around here and there. He is near, nearer than a hand, nearer than breathing. He is right close to you. Job says that he has been running up and down trying to find God.”
Job 23 Job Job 23:10 Light is breaking through Now knows he is being tested Test is for a purpose Not sure what it is Doesn't understand it
Job 23 Job Job 23:10 But knows God will use it
Job 23 Job Job 23:10 “Friend, have you discovered in your own heart and in your own life that trouble will strengthen the fiber of your faith? Haven't you found that it has given you a moral character that you never had before?
Job 23 Job Job 23:10 “Have you experienced God's strength and comfort in the time of the storm? You know that God has never promised that we would miss the storm, but He has promised that we would make the harbor.
Job 23 Job Job 23:10 “And that is good enough for me.”
Job 23 Job Job 23:11-12 “Job has had a desire for the Word of God and apparently has been following God's Word. Here again is where God will teach us. Job did not understand or did not correctly interpret the Word of God.
Job 23 Job Job 23:11-17 “You know that some of the lessons in the Word of God cannot be learned just by studying them. They are learned by experience. Many of God's truths must be taught to us in that way.”
Job References J. Vernon McGee Commentary