Bradford Adult & Community Services – ‘Your Life, Your Choice’ What do we want to happen? People have choice and control over their own lives and are as healthy and as well as possible People use all available community based support to remain independent, healthy and well People stay well but are supported when they need help to regain their independence People in need of long term support have a personal budget and choose how their needs are met People are helped to live the life that they choose and to feel safe Promote fairness and equality Provide value for money Focus on quality and excellence Use money and natural resources wisely Ensure excellent customer services Support the most vulnerable Our values Our aims Develop strong community based support that provides good and timely information, advice and guidance to ensure that people remain independent, healthy and well for as long as possible. Ensure a range of options are available in communities that help people to keep in contact with friends and family so that they live active and fulfilled lives for as long as possible. Integrate and join up services with the NHS to provide support in local communities. Work alongside housing and voluntary organisations to ensure people have access to a range of support options that they need to stay independent, healthy and well. Work in partnership with others to provide a rapid response in a crisis to enable people to recuperate and resume their independence. People who are eligible for long term social care support receive help to identify what they need. They are helped to be in control of planning their own support and to live a life of their own by receiving a personal budget. Those who are unable to be in control of their own support receive help through the use of advocates and the allocation of a budget managed by a third party, including the council. Working with our partners we ensure that the safety of vulnerable adults is everyone’s responsibility. We monitor the quality of care and support services and always aim for for excellence. Local people and partners are involved in the development and design of services and in assessing quality. People are asked about their experiences of support and we act upon what they tell us. How we are going to meet our aims People manage their own support as much as they can. People can find employment and maintain a family and social life. People are seen as active citizens contributing to their community. Carers balance their carer role whilst still maintaining a healthy and active life. Everyone is as healthy and as well as they can be throughout their lives. People can access as much information and support as they need to stay healthy and well. People receive support and rehabilitation quickly in a crisis to regain their independence, health and well being. People in need of long term support know who to contact and are aware of their choices and entitlements. People are satisfied with their experience of the care and support they receive. Carers feel respected as equal partners when they need help and support. People are supported to plan ahead and are helped to manage risks to their independence, health and well being. Everyone feels safe and secure and are free from all types of abuse. People at risk of harm receive support quickly to enable them to be safe. What difference will we make? What will help us to do this? Monitor the effectiveness of our activity to ensure quality, safety, value for money and excellence. Ensure the wider workforce providing care and support have the right skills and tools to do their job Work in partnership with housing, independent, community and voluntary sector organisations Develop options for support with our NHS colleagues and others in the council Talk with, listen and respond to the views of individuals and their families and carers