Jeopardy damage emotions study languageGrab bag Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy
$100 Damage this and you might never wake up!
$100 Reticular formation (consciousness)
$200 Damage this and you’ll never think about the future.
$200 Frontal lobe
$300 What part of Homer appears to be damaged?
$300 cerebellum
$400 Damage this and you’ll never hear Justin Bieber again!
$400 Temporal lobe No more Bieber!
$500 Damage this and you die!!! (You stop breathing; heart stops beating.)
$500 Medulla Oblongata
$100 This “system” is the brain region controlling our emotions and memory
$100 Limbic system
$200 This part of your brain makes you Hot and happy. The Four Fs.
$200 Hypothalamus
$300 This part of our brain produces a fear response.
$300 amygdala
$400 Damage this and you’ll be Dorrie the fish, Ten-second Tom or Clive Wearing.
$400 hippocampus Hippos go to college to remember
$500 This is the relay station of the brain
$500 thalamus
100 This scan involves being injected with a radioactive substance. It studies functions of various parts of the brain.
$100 PET scan
200 This is a 3D X ray taken of the body.
$200 Cat Scan (CT scan)
300 We study sleep disorders, epilepsy, and brain function using this:
$300 EEG, electroencephalagram
$400 This term describes the purposeful damaging of a brain part.
400 lesioning One rat has a lesioned hypothalamus
500 This scan is a combination of a PET scan and a MRI
$500 fMRI
$100 When we see written words (or anything for that matter) it’s processed in the ______ lobe.
$100 Occipital lobe
$200 This brain part enables us to comprehend the words people say.
$200 Wernike’s area
$300 Damage this and you won’t be able to speak.
300 Broca’s area Think Broca - boca
400 The language centers are usually on this side of the brain.
$400 left
$500 Reading non-verbal communication (facial cues, body movements) is done with this side of the brain.
$500 Right side
$100 This is the outer wrinkly part of the brain
$100 Cerebral cortex
$200 This lobe has the sensory cortex, where touch sensations are registered.
$200 Parietal lobe
$300 To move your arms, it takes conscious thought, so the motor cortex must be in the _____ lobe.
$300 Frontal lobe
$400 This enables your left and right brain to communicate
$400 Corpus callosum
$500 What will the split brain patient say??.
$500 “I see a baseball”
Final Jeopardy
Final Jeopardy Answer Which two people did the split brain study? Sperry and Gazzaniga