Strategies for Patching Bill Takeshita, O.D., F.A.A.O., F.C.O.V.D. The Center for the Partially Sighted
How Images Focus Inside the Eye Diagram of perspective of eye with E focusing on macula
Visual Pathway Diagram of visual pathway
Visual Cortex Processes Info Diagram of occipital lobe PET scan
Amblyopia Reduced clarity of sight due to the lack of stimulation to the brain Refractive amblyopia develops when glasses were not prescribed early in life when needed. Strabismus amblyopia is when the brain did not receive proper stimulation due to a misaligned eye. Acuity can be improved when patching is performed early in life
Down Syndrome Cataract Strabismus Refractive Error Nystagmus Developmental Delay Photograph of Down Syndrome
Esotropia Strabismus
Exotropia Strabismus
Direct Bandage Patching Photo of three kids with direct patch
Pirate Patching Photo of girl with elastic band patch
Frosted Lens Patching Photograph of frosted lens
Atropine Eye Drops Photo of child with unequal pupil size
Preparing Child for Glasses
Eye Poking
Sunken Orbit
Arm Restraints