Adaptive Leadership in Changing Curricular Times Secondary Curriculum Leaders Tuesday, April 13
Imagine… Professional Basketball Coaching Staff Announced Rule Changes – Free throw line to basket – 2 feet increase – 2 minute penalty for fouls – 4 on 5 Purpose of Change – More Challenging for the 21 st Century – Next Changes will affect how Game is Scored
How might these announcements affect your coaching? What will need to change? What won’t need to change? What might be your strategy for implementing change?
Possible Changes… Game – 3 Point shots = 4 points Conference Title & Playoff Purposes – Wins will be given = 2 points – Overtime Loss = 1 point Salary Caps – 10% increase for teams for teams with 50% of their players meeting 50% or higher growth margins
How does this affect your team? What should you do first? What should you do?
Dealing with Moving Targets Connect Peers with Purpose Build Capacity Learning is the Work
Connecting Peers with Purpose Why is this change being proposed? What are the hoped for gains?
Connecting Peers with Purpose Why is this change being proposed? – Our nation’s graduates are not ready for complex, creative, collaborative work Wagner’s Global Achievement Gap Pink’s Drive & A Whole New Mind R. Florida’s The Rise of the Creative Class
Connecting Peers with Purpose What are the hoped for gains? – 21 st Century Graduates – College & Career Ready – Productive, Adaptive, Collaborative Learners – Engaged in society and ready to support themselves into their future
Building Capacity Leadership Readiness Staff Readiness Student Readiness Community and Family Readiness
Building Capacity Leadership Readiness – Understand the Change Purpose – Systems Thinking Ability – Assess their own and staff skills – Support their own and staff needs – Manage change in ambiguous times
Building Capacity Staff Readiness – Understand the Change Purpose – Understand the Skills needed in this Context – Self-assess current level of Skills – Manage self in ambiguous times
Building Capacity Student Readiness – Understand the Change Purpose – Self Assess their own Skills – Ability to monitor and manage personal growth – Capacity to connect with adults and other resources to support their learning and growth
Building Capacity Community & Family Readiness – Understand the Change Purpose – Invitations and Expectations for Support and Engagement – Identify basis for partnering and partnerships
Learning is the Work Selecting the right work Supporting people in the work
Learning is the Work Selecting the right work – Shared Vision of Quality Instruction – Shared Vision of Robust Learning – Comprehensible 21 st Century Outcomes – Quality Unit Design Principles – Collegial Models & Exemplars
Learning is the Work Supporting people in the work – Know and Understand the Vision – Know Tasks and Expectations – Clear Targets and Achievable Goals – Opportunities to strengthen each stakeholder’s Knowledge & Skills – Provide time for Dialogue and Discussion
What we Need Students need robust learning opportunities to graduate and be college and career ready. Teachers need a strong understanding of what robust learning looks Teachers need to be able to develop robust learning opportunities to engage students and increase their skills
What we Need Highly engaged, relevant learning Focused on deep, enduring understandings Applied to authentic and globally contextual learning situations Supported with intellectually rigorous conversation and collaborative practices Requiring flexibility and creativity in thinking Intentionally designed to increase self-directed behavior Robust Learning
What we Still Need to Know… How students will demonstrate their knowledge and skills to the state/feds How students will demonstrate their knowledge and skills to us How schools will demonstrate their “effectiveness” How teachers and principals will demonstrate their “effectiveness”
So… What can and should we do to lead this change?
Doing the Right Work Understand the Purpose Build Capacity Strength and Conditioning Training Learn Together
Doing the Right Work Develop a common vision and rationale for Robust Learning and 21 st Century Skills Shape a shared vision for what that looks like in each of our content areas Assess our current skill sets and available resources at hand Strengthen systems to provide early warning, communication, and responsiveness
What is Robust Learning? What are our Grade Level Expectations/Co urse Outcomes? What might our ways of knowing what students know and can do? What is the Teaching/Learni ng Cycle & Backwards Design? Am I using Robust Learning Strategies? Are my units aligned with GLE/Course Outcomes? Am I creating exemplars of evidence outcomes and enduring understandings ? Am I using Teaching/Learni ng Cycle and Backwards Design? Are my students Self-Directed, Robust, 21 st Century Learners? Does our curriculum guide teaching of GLE’s and Course Outcomes? Do we have sufficient exemplars to use collegially to exemplify 21 st Century learning outcomes? 12-13