Entrance Slip When should people overthrow their government?
Chapter 5 Toward Independence
Essential Question When is it necessary for citizens to rebel against their government?
Vocabulary Militia Tyranny Boycott Massacre The Tea Act repeal The Intolerable Acts Continental Congress
Background During the 1750s, Great Britain and the colonies fought a war against he French and their Indian allies Great Britain was left with debt Where do you think Great Britain turned for extra money?
Before 1763 The colonies grew from 50,000 people to over one million Cheap land, religious tolerance, economic opportunity Mainly: The colonists were free to govern (rule) themselves
George Washington The colonies had their own small militaries or militias Militia: a small army made up of ordinary citizens who are trained to fight in an emergency Young George Washington wanted to be a British soldier, but it was thought colonists made poor soldiers
French and Indian War Washington was a soldier in the war against the Indians in Virginia and French Great Britain and colonists fought together The soldiers’ job was to clear the French out of Ohio
Entrance Slip 2/5 What were the outcomes of the French and Indian War?
French and Indian War Continued 7 long years The turning point came when British troops captured Canada from the French France signed a peace treaty with Britain ending the war France ceded Canada and western land
Britain Makes Changes Victory in the colonies was short King George III came to power in 1760 Known for being “really, really stupid” and stubborn Wanted to take control of the colonies
Proclamation of 1763 After the war, Britain had a problem keeping Indians and colonists separated George III passed a proclamation ordering Indians to stay in the Appalachian Mountains and colonists to stay East of them How do you think the colonists reacted?
Tyranny Colonists thought the order was tyranny, or the unjust use of government power. A ruler who uses power in this way is called a tyrant Colonists wanted to settle the West but Britain ignored their arguments and sent more soldiers
The Stamp Act Britain had debts from the French and Indian War The solution Britain came to was to taxz the colonies Stamp Act: Law requiring colonists to buy a stamp for every piece of paper they used. What was the reaction from colonists?
Reaction “…this shocking Act was known, it filled all British America from one End to the other, with Astonishment and Grief.” – Pennsylvania Journal – NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION
Protest Colonists protested the Stamp Act Sent messages to Parliament Loyalists refused to buy stamps Patriots formed mobs called Sons of Liberty and attached tax collector's homes After months, Parliament repealed, or canceled, the Stamp Act
The Quartering Act 1765 Law forcing colonists to provide housing to British soldiers Must be provided “candles, firing, bedding, cooking utensils, salt, vinegar, and beer or cider.” Why do you think the colonists were unhappy with this act?
Housing soldiers costs money! The New York Assembly refused to provide salt, vinegar, and liquor for the troops (non necessary items) NY Assembly not allowed to meet
The Townsend Acts 1767 Placed a tax on certain goods the colonies imported from Great Britain Ex. Glass, paint, paper, and tea
Boycott of British Goods A patriot named Samuel Adams led protests against the Townsend Acts Colonists decided to boycott British goods Boycott- to refuse to buy one ore more goods from a certain source. An organized refusal by many people is also called a boycott
Repeal of the Townsend Acts A new leader took power in Parliament Repealed the Townsend Acts because they were costing money 1770, all taxes repealed except the one of tea “I am clear that there must always be one tax to keep up the right. And as such, I approve the Tea Duty.” –King George
Boston Massacre Fight between soldiers and colonists leaving 5 Bostonians dead and 10 injured Massacre- Killing of innocent people Riots broke out in Boston, soldiers were not allowed to shoot on colonists
This is how the Boston Massacre was shown in newspapers. What can you observe about this picture?
Aftermath of the massacre Loyalists believed more troops were needed in the colonies Patriots were more anti-British than ever Captain Preston (British) tried to keep the troops away from colonists Because the Townsend Acts were repealed, there was calm
The Boston Tea Party 1773 The Tea Act- Lord North’s attempt to save the East India Company Tea prices were cheap, but there was still a tax Colonists knew England was just taxing them to make a point This also gave the East India Company complete control or a monopoly over tea
December 16, Sons of Liberty dressed as Mohawk Indians boarded three tea ships Dumped the tea in the water at night 90,000 pounds of tea dumped “This destruction of the tea is so bold, so daring, so firm…it must have…important consequences.” –John Adams
The Intolerable Acts The king and Lord North were shocked by the Boston Tea Party 1774 passed laws to completely control the colonies Intended to punish Massachusetts
1. Closed Boston Harbor until the tea was paid for 2. Government of Massachusetts was placed under government control 3. British soldiers charged with murder would be tried in England, not the colonies More troops were sent to the colonies
What was the purpose of the Intolerable Acts?
The Colonies Unite Boston patriots said they would “abandon their city to flames” before paying for the lost tea Merchants in other towns closed their shops Colonies sent food and money to Boston so that the citizens would not starve