Lesson Starter Share what you have learned previously about the periodic table. Section 1 History of the Periodic Table Chapter 5
Objectives Explain the roles of Mendeleev and Moseley in the development of the periodic table. Describe the modern periodic table. Explain how the periodic law can be used to predict the physical and chemical properties of elements. Describe how the elements belonging to a group of the periodic table are interrelated in terms of atomic number. Chapter 5 Section 1 History of the Periodic Table
Mendeleev and Chemical Periodicity Mendeleev noticed that when the elements were arranged in order of increasing atomic mass, certain similarities in their chemical properties appeared at regular intervals. Repeating patterns are referred to as periodic. Mendeleev created a table in which elements with similar properties were grouped together—a periodic table of the elements. Chapter 5 Section 1 History of the Periodic Table
Mendeleev and Chemical Periodicity, continued After Mendeleev placed all the known elements in his periodic table, several empty spaces were left. In 1871 Mendeleev predicted the existence and properties of elements that would fill three of the spaces. By 1886, all three of these elements had been discovered. Chapter 5 Section 1 History of the Periodic Table
Properties of Some Elements Predicted By Mendeleev Chapter 5 Section 1 History of the Periodic Table
Moseley and the Periodic Law In 1911, the English scientist Henry Moseley discovered that the elements fit into patterns better when they were arranged according to atomic number, rather than atomic weight. The Periodic Law states that the physical and chemical properties of the elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers. Chapter 5 Section 1 History of the Periodic Table
Periodicity of Atomic Numbers Chapter 5 Section 1 History of the Periodic Table
The Modern Periodic Table The Periodic Table is an arrangement of the elements in order of their atomic numbers so that elements with similar properties fall in the same column, or group. Chapter 5 Section 1 History of the Periodic Table