1 Challenge the future The adaptive delta metropolis: Gradual adaptation or system interventions? Han Meyer, Bas Jonkman
2 Challenge the future Global background Rapid economic development in flood-prone areas Sea level rise and subsidence Frequent floods in developed and developing countries Recent Worldbank study on coastal flood risks (Hallegatte et al., 2013): Current Risks in coastal cities US$ 6 billion per year 2050: US $52 billion per year (!?) R. Waterman Maeslant barrier
3 Challenge the future Strategies for coastal regions Estuaries / bays: Dikes Dams Storm surge barrier Strategy / solution: Driven by societal needs Effects on various functions DIMI seminar April 10, 2015 “”next generation storm surge barriers”
4 Challenge the future Map by Nijhuis & Pouderoijen, 2013
5 Challenge the future
6 Challenge the future
7 Perspectives on adaptation of deltas Source: Meyer, Nillesen, Zonneveld 2012 Architecture
8 Challenge the future Perspectives on adaptation of deltas Technology, Policy and Management Source: Haasnoot et al.
9 Challenge the future
10 Challenge the future 10 Texas: Coastal spine Challenge the future Houston Galveston
11 Challenge the future Challenges in delta planning Future developments: Demand for safety Economic and urban growth (?) Changes in the energy supply and port structure? Sea level rise Interventions Gradual adaptation over time Or large-scale system interventions Effects of interventions: safety, economy, ecology, etc. Interdependence between interventions and development
12 Challenge the future Program Bas Jonkman (TU-Delft) Introduction Harold van Waveren (Rijkswaterstaat) - Open or closed river mouth in the Rotterdam region Gijs van Zonneveld (WWF) The river as a tidal park Bas Jonkman The case Houston – Galveston Bay Discussion by moderator Han Meyer Closure
13 Challenge the future Homework + Link to plenary session Derive one or more messages / propositions from this session “Take home message” to a broader audience To be identified during closing discussion
14 Challenge the future
15 Challenge the future
16 Challenge the future
17 Challenge the future
18 Challenge the future
19 Challenge the future Effects of regional scale interventions to local scale conditions Source: Meyer, Nillesen, Zonneveld 2012