Elements of Art  The elements are…  Line  Shape  Form  Value  Color  Space  Texture.


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Presentation transcript:

Elements of Art  The elements are…  Line  Shape  Form  Value  Color  Space  Texture

Value Value is the lightness or darkness of a color. Value is created in nature by light. Albrecht Durer, Drapery Study, Grey wash with white on toned paper

Value Value can be used to create the illusion of three- dimensional space through modeling.

Value This technique for creating the illusion of 3D forms through subtle gradations of value is called chiaroscuro (literally “light-dark” in Italian).

Value with Lines In addition to defining space (as with contour lines), lines can also be used to create the illusion of depth and texture. StipplingHatchingCross-hatching

Value Scale


Value contrast refers to the degrees of difference between shades of grey.


Value – Roman Opalka

Lawren Harris ( )

Lawren Harris, Afternoon Sun Lake Superior, 1924.

Lawren Harris ( ) Lawren Harris, Above Lake Superior, 1922.

Lawren Harris ( ) Lawren Harris, Above Lake Superior, 1922.

Value A good mix of values adds variety to a composition and enhances the illusion of 3D space.

Value William Ward Beecher, Séance, Lithograph.

Value When dealing with texture, heavily textured items will have slow gradual changes in value unless the plane ends abruptly. In contrast reflective surfaces will have sudden changes in value, from one extreme to another, with only slight changes in the direction of the planes.

Value Sometimes artists are so good at using value to represent texture, that it tricks us into believing it is the real thing. We call this effect trompe l’oeil.

Value Caravaggio, Conversion on the Way to Damascus, 1601, Oil on canvas, The artist Caravaggio was known for his use of tenebrism, a style of painting with high value contrasts – bright highlights and deep shadows with very little modeling.

Value Stuart Davis. Hot Still Scape for Six Colors – 7 th Avenue Style, Oil on canvas.

Value Stuart Davis. Hot Still Scape for Six Colors – 7 th Avenue Style, Oil on canvas.
