Telecommunications and Networking
Basic concepts Communication protocols (TCP/IP) Data transmission methods Asynchronous Synchronous Connecting Modem and TCU Hardwired and remote Data transmission channels (bps) narrow bands: 5-30 voice bands: 1,000-9,600 broad bands: 100,000 Types of communication lines simplex half-duplex duplex
Networks Concept Network topology Local-area networks "a group of interconnected computers, workstations, or computer devices (such as printers and data storage systems).” Network topology bus star ring Local-area networks bus: Ethernet, carrier sense multiple access (CSMA) ring: token passing method Distributed data processing "interconnects sites of one organization not only for communication of data and messages but also for the sharing of resources."
Distributed data processing TSS - Time Sharing Systems PC PC PC PC MAINFRAME CSS - Client Server Systems
CSS architecture
EDI Concepts EDI is a mechanism for electronic trading EDI replaces paper flow with online transactions EDI architecture ----> see next slide EDI is for trading partners Implementation plan is a key factor Obstacles: lack of transaction standardization high start-up costs EDI third-party suppliers AT&T, Control Data, EDS, GE, Western Union, IBM, Martin Marietta Data Systems, etc.
EDI architecture
Basic Communications Model Standards are needed at all Layers User Layer Application Layer Computer (Transport) Layer Transmission Layer
Layering in Major Architectures Basic Model TCP/IP IPX/SPX OSI Application Computer (Transport) Internet Subnet (OSI) Application (7) Presentation (6) Session (5) Transport (4) Network (3): Internet & Data Link (2) Transport: TCP, etc. Complex: SPX, etc. Physical (1)