MICKLETON PRIMARY AND NURSERY SCHOOL MATHS EVENING 2014 The way maths is taught has changed, long division and long multiplication are being supplemented by teaching chunking and gridding in order to improve children's understanding of numbers. While these new methods are meant to make maths easier, parents are struggling to understand how the new principle work. The Maths Evening will demonstrate examples of the 'new ways' of teaching maths. Maths resources, examples of children's work, pupil targets and other maths apparatus (relevant to the teaching in specific year groups) will also be on display to be discussed. You will have the opportunity to talk to teachers from each year group.
MICKLETON PRIMARY AND NURSERY SCHOOL MATHS EVENING 2014 The aims of the evening are: To focus on Maths as a school subject, cross-curricular maths and home learning. To demonstrate methods and progressive strategies taught in Primary education. To provide information for homework support. To show resource materials used in supporting maths. To highlight government thinking, changes and expectations.
MICKLETON PRIMARY AND NURSERY SCHOOL MATHS EVENING 2014 Maths is not just about add, subtract, multiply and divide. We cover all area of mathematics within the curriculum; Times tables, number bonds, number patterns, sequences, ordering, shape, measuring, weighing, capacity, decimals, fractions, percentages, money, algebra, coordinates, data handling, averages, problem solving, symmetry, investigations, tessellation, real-life scenarios etc.
MICKLETON PRIMARY AND NURSERY SCHOOL MATHS EVENING 2014 Government changes Amongst some other amendments, pupils are now expected to be fluent in their times tables… By the end of Year 1: 2x, 5x 10x ~ usually by rote. By the end of Year 2: 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x & 10x By the end of Year 3: 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 6x, 9x, 10x & 11x By the end of Year 4: 2x through to 12x tables Rationale for setting in maths. Teaching Methods
MICKLETON PRIMARY AND NURSERY SCHOOL MATHS EVENING 2014 How long are my child's lessons? Reception: Daily maths based on a focus, not taught in isolation part of broad, rich curriculum. Key Stage 1: 45 minutes daily. Key Stage 2: 1 hour daily.... but that is not the only time maths happens in school. How long are my child's lessons?
MICKLETON PRIMARY AND NURSERY SCHOOL MATHS EVENING 2014 “Why are teaching methods different to when I went to school?” Using a Number Line Challenging multiplications – grid method /ways-learning
MICKLETON PRIMARY AND NURSERY SCHOOL MATHS EVENING 2014 What is out there to help me at home? W. H. Smith - Maths workbooks and guides Internet maths sites. Owlsmoor Primary School website. (GamesZone - Maths) Purple Mash! Our school newsletter.
MICKLETON PRIMARY AND NURSERY SCHOOL MATHS EVENING 2014 Have a positive attitude to maths! Talk maths with your child… Expected change from money. Challenge with mental arithmetic questions. Encourage quick recall of times table facts (flash cards). “Can you see five rectangles around us?” Learn and show card and number tricks. Look at number puzzles/challenges from newspapers. Share strategies and methods. Enable concentration: does your child get enough sleep? There are a number of web sites that will help you all.
MICKLETON PRIMARY AND NURSERY SCHOOL MATHS EVENING 2014 Take a look at the booklets below to see the targets for each year group. We have also uploaded sheets on the 4 key maths operations for each year. 1.Maths Information Evening Presentation January 2013Maths Information Evening Presentation January help your child with maths year 1help your child with maths year 1 3.help your child with maths year 2help your child with maths year 2 4.help your child with maths year 3help your child with maths year 3 5.help your child with maths year 4help your child with maths year 4 6.help your child with maths year 5help your child with maths year 5 7.help your child with maths year 6help your child with maths year 6 8.Nursery maths version 2Nursery maths version 2 9.Reception maths version 2Reception maths version 2 10.The_4_operations_in_KS1The_4_operations_in_KS1 11.The_4_operations_in_Y3_Y4The_4_operations_in_Y3_Y4 12.The_4_operations_in_Y5_Y6The_4_operations_in_Y5_Y6 13.Maths_mat_double_sided_final[1]Maths_mat_double_sided_final[1] 14.My Maths BuddyMy Maths Buddy