THE PELLEGRA STORY The Scientific Method
10/21/14 DO NOW Pick up the worksheet at the back Key Question: How do scientists solve problems or answer questions? Initial Thoughts:
THE PELLAGRA STORY Glue in the worksheet provided and answer the questions during the video clip. Mr. Pena will only show the video clip twice.
ANALYSIS QUESTIONS 1. What was Dr. Goldberger's hypothesis about the cause of Pellagra? 2. Why didn't people believe Dr. Goldberger's conclusion about the cause of Pellagra? 3. How did Dr. Goldberger conclude that Pellagra was not caused by germs?
Summary: 3-4 sentences – What did you think before about how scientists solve problems or answer questions – What did you learn about how scientists solve problems or answer questions. – Further Thoughts or questions Reflection: Do you think Dr. Goldberger should have supported his hypothesis with more evidence? Write a letter to Dr. Goldberger supporting your thoughts. (1-2 paragrpahs) Big Idea: – What is the big idea about this lesson
BIG IDEA Scientists use the “scientific method” to help solve problems and answer questions.