Muon Collider Pier Oddone, WIN09, Perugia September 15, 2009
Outline What is a muon collider? Potential physics reach Can we actually do the physics? Muon Collider WIN2009, Perugia, September 15,
33 Lepton colliders beyond LHC LHC Results ILC Enough ILC not enough CLIC Muon collider or By far the easiest!
Muon Collider WIN2009, Perugia, September 15,
Muon Collider approach Collider based on a secondary beam: we have experience basing colliders on antiprotons. For muons we must do it in 20 msec. The biggest advantages are: narrow energy spread (no beamstrahlung) and small physical footprint (no synchrotron radiation) No new methods of acceleration, but new method of deceleration!: muon cooling Muon Collider WIN2009, Perugia, September 15,
Muon collider layout Muon Collider WIN2009, Perugia, September 15, TeV
Muon collider functional layout Pier Oddone, Grand Sasso Meeting, September 11, Color indicates degree of needed R&D (difficulty) and demonstration Project X Target Capture Cool Format Accel Collide
Project X and LBNE to Homestake 5% of the time line, the 2 GeV linac feeds a simple Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (RCS), 500m circumference, to strip, accumulate and boost the energy to 8 GeV Six pulses of the SAB are transferred to the recycler, filling the existing recycler, and every 1.4 sec transferred to the Main Injector for acceleration to high energies (60 GeV to 120 GeV) Brinkman/Dehmer Visit, August 13th,
Project X and 8 GeV beams 8/14 RCS cycles are available for an 8 GeV program driven by a fast spill (single turn). An example is a much upgraded muon g-2 Slow extraction as needed for rare processes is very limited from circular machines: only method is resonance extraction which is “rad dirty” and limits extraction to 10s of kW. Brinkman/Dehmer Visit, August 13th,
Project X and 2 GeV beams The greatest potential for rare processes comes from 2 MW continuous beam. Intensity experiments need continuous beam: pile up is the main limitation in pulsed beams Brinkman/Dehmer Visit, August 13th,
Targeting and capturing Muon Collider WIN2009, Perugia, September 15,
Capturing and cooling Muon Collider WIN2009, Perugia, September 15,
Muon collider challenges Capture and cooling could be done effectively provided we learn how to operate RF cavities inside magnetic fields An important shortcut would be to demonstrate operation in magnetic fields with gas filled cavities. Done already with no beam. Next with beam. Need demonstration of 6D cooling Muon Collider WIN2009, Perugia, September 15,
Muon collider challenges Need development of very high fields solenoids for last stages of cooling (luminosity proportional to field). Ideally upwards of 40T Need end-to-end system simulation to understand ultimate losses, emittances Understand full physics reach with backgrounds and masks regions (come to Fermilab Nov workshop, with help from ILC and CLIC) Muon Collider WIN2009, Perugia, September 15,
Muon collider/ILC/Project X ILC and Project X developing very efficient accelerating structures that can be run economically Muon collider requires substantial acceleration (few km) that ideally would use ILC/ Project X technology Muon Collider WIN2009, Perugia, September 15,
Muon Collider WIN2009, Perugia, September 15, 2009 ILC/Project X technology at Fermilab Vertical Test Stand Horizontal Test Stand 1st cryomodule 16
Crossroad In theoretical physics Low energy options ILC Low energy muon collider/Higgs factory High energy options CLIC Muon Collider 17 SM SUSY SUGRA, gauge or anomaly mediated SUSY Breaking? MSSM, NMSSM, Split SUSY R parity violation?... New Dynamics Technicolor, ETC, walking TC topcolor little Higgs models compositeness unparticles... Extra Dimensions Gravity Randall-Sundrum Universal ED KK modes... LHC SM extensions two Higgs doublets Higgs triplets Higgs singlets new weak gauge interactions new fermions... Muon Collider WIN2009, Perugia, September 15, 2009
Basics (√s < 500 GeV) Muon Collider WIN2009, Perugia, September 15, Courtesy E. Eichten
Basics (√s > 500 GeV) Muon Collider WIN2009, Perugia, September 15, Courtesy E. Eichten
Minimum Luminosity for Collider Muon Collider WIN2009, Perugia, September 15, Courtesy E. Eichten
Fusion Processes Muon Collider WIN2009, Perugia, September 15, Courtesy E. Eichten
The Higgs Boson Muon Collider WIN2009, Perugia, September 15, Courtesy E. Eichten
Two Higgs Doublets (MSSM) Muon Collider WIN2009, Perugia, September 15, Courtesy E. Eichten
New Fermions and Gauge Bosons Muon Collider WIN2009, Perugia, September 15, Courtesy E. Eichten
Various Forms of SUSY Muon Collider WIN2009, Perugia, September 15, Courtesy E. Eichten
SUSY mass Scale? Muon Collider WIN2009, Perugia, September 15, Courtesy E. Eichten
SUSY Mass Determinations Muon Collider WIN2009, Perugia, September 15, Courtesy E. Eichten
New Strong Dynamics Muon Collider WIN2009, Perugia, September 15, Courtesy E. Eichten
Contact Interactions Muon Collider WIN2009, Perugia, September 15, Courtesy E. Eichten
Extra dimensions Muon Collider WIN2009, Perugia, September 15, Courtesy E. Eichten
Conclusions on Physics Lepton colliders are comparable in physics reach at comparable energies and the physics is outstanding There are advantages to CLIC (polarization) and advantages to muon colliders (narrow energy spread) Next steps: identify benchmark processes and determine realistic detector configuration; assuming similar physics, cost and feasibility will dertermine the outcome Muon Collider WIN2009, Perugia, September 15,
But can the physics be done ? Muon Collider detector backgrounds were studied actively 10 years ago ( ). The most detailed work was done for a 2 2 TeV Collider → s=4 TeV. Since muons decay (t 2TeV =42ms), there is a large background from the decay electrons which must be shielded. Muon Collider WIN2009, Perugia, September 15,
Final Focus/shielding Muon Collider WIN2009, Perugia, September 15, 2009 Beam-Beam region ( * = 3mm): length = 3 mm, radius = 3 m (rms), T bunch = 10 s Fate of electrons born in the 130m long straight section: 62% interact upstream of shielding, 30% interact in early part of shielding, 2% interact in last part, 10% pass through IP without interacting. 33
Background rates r (cm) np e calo0.003 muon Particles/cm 2 from one bunch with 2 muons (2 TeV); GEANT (I. Stumer) Muon Collider WIN2009, Perugia, September 15, 2009
Consider a layer of Silicon at a radius of 10 cm. GEANT Results (I. Stumer) for radial particle fuxes per crossing: 750 photons/cm 2 2.3 hits/cm neutrons/cm 2 0.1 hits/cm charged tracks/cm 2 1.3 hits/cm 2 TOTAL 3.7 hits/cm 2 0.4% occupancy in 300x300 m 2 pixels MARS predictions for radiation dose at 10 cm for a 2x2 TeV Collider comparable to at LHC with L=10 34 cm -2 s -1 At 5cm radius: 13.2 hits/cm 2 1.3% occupancy Vertex Detector Hit density 35 Muon Collider WIN2009, Perugia, September 15, 2009
1997 studies and next steps Background of 4 TeV Muon Collider expected to be similar to those at the LHC with L=10 34 cm -2 s -1 Detailed studies done 10 years ago. Detector R&D has evolved and we can profit from ILC R&D. And new studies are beginning Synergy with CLIC physics, detector, & backrgound studies; at level of present studies physics looks feasible Come help us work this out Nov 9-10 (project X) and Nov (Muon Collider Workshop) 36 Muon Collider WIN2009, Perugia, September 15, 2009