Working Groups Restate or review the panel session How will this affect you next week, next year? How do we take this forward? New or revised organizations? How could we expand wireless use? What are your ideas?
Wireless State of the Cities What is the cities role? Are they operators? Facilitators that knock down barriers? Risk reduction to balance revenue and services? Balancing ubiquity, bandwidth, economics, and digital divide. Why is the process different from the telephones? Why is Wi-Fi such a big challenge? Unplugged Cities: Are people looking for access or mobility? that changes the technology issue. Minneapolis issues and points: fit with the laws, and then the laws changed; multiple small ISP’s; too small or too large?
Legal and Legislative Issues Perceived threat/conflict Do we treat a city wide network network as a utility? Telco vs muni? Is broadband access a right? Information Service Unregulated/Can’t Stifle Innovation with Regulation What are the problems with using WiFi for Public Service – mission critical – emergency services Licensed vs. Unlicensed; Regulating IP Networks; Local Law Will Need to be Developed; How control quality over multiple networks? Who is responsible for Maintenance? Local/Federal/International Standards – Int’l Universal Service.
Bridging the Digital Divide Main question: How does wireless impact digital divide? Increases it: stratification Provides opportunities: Creates “table”; Makes tech value visible (motivates learning); Enables new approaches to education and outreach Moving Forward; Benchmarking and best practices; Community benefits agreement; NGO? Advocacy with easy movement among constituencies
Wireless Arts and Culture Context is centered on change – how will a wireless cloud change our community? Collaboration without boundaries How does wireless technology challenge norms? How will it be embraced? Does technology control us or do we control technology? The opportunity to merge various forms of media – “remixing media” Technology as performance – notion and possibilities of mobility (creative reach) Social networks – possibilities of face to face connections. Shared goals can equal successful technologies and strengthen the community Keywords: opportunities, possibilities, excitement, change, innovation, collaboration, challenge
Social Networks How can wireless make experiences more meaningful, enhance communication, ask questions. Effective wireless use is not simply the presentation of content, but rather the end user’s opportunity to add to the experience Collaboratively building knowledge The power of anonymous interaction? Explore people before you can see them – breaking down artificial barriers How can we recreate the sense of a Main Street – civic participation through wireless, social networks
Discussants-Scribes Thanks to: Doug Westacott - Mali Palanisami Dan Donnelly - Brad Cohen - Kim Bowden Linda Jorn, Charlie Miller David Ernst -