Commission for environmental cooperation that provide mutual benefits for the environment, trade and the economy CEC Council Session - 24 June 2009 Trade and Environment Working Group Promoting policies and actions
Commission for environmental cooperation Trade and Environment Officials work together to: Introduction Enhance trade in green products and services Increase capacity and improve coordination to identify and address trade- related environmental concerns Enhance regional and national coordination, including between FTC and the CEC Broaden understanding of trade and environment linkages and thereby promote domestic and regional policy coherence
Greening the Supply Chain Overview of the Project Objective: Help SME suppliers to improve their competitiveness and environmental performance Target Audience: SMEs that supply multinational companies (MNC) Pilot program’s key features: Strengthening client-supplier relationship, optimizing processes through eco-efficiency tools, building capacity through experiential learning, and promoting collective development of projects Duration: Three pilot phases between CEC’s Role: Providing funding for the development of training material and sessions; organizing training-the-trainer programs; encouraging MNC to mentor their supply chain companies Improving competitiveness and enhancing environmental performance in North American supply chains
Project results From: Programa Cadenas Productivas Verdes 2005– Resumen de actividades y resultados Increased participation from SMEs who supply MNC over the course of the project Implementation of 146 programs promoting competitiveness and environmental performance Investment of US$6.8M Significant environmental results and economic returns. SMEs79 Supply Chains 14 Total Projects146 Implementation rate75% COSTS Investment (mill US$)6.8 BENEFITS Cost savings (mill US$ / year) 10 CO2 reduction (CO2e tons/year) 8,300 Reduction in Water use (m3/yr) 280,000 Reduction in Waste (tons/year) 212,000
Development of an effective, replicable, cooperation- based mechanism for enhancing environmental performance and competitiveness in supply chains throughout North America Benefit to the North American environment Development of a cost effective approach Adoption of the approach by companies and institutions (e.g., State of Querétaro) Interest in further exchange of experiences with similar programs in North America Demonstration of CEC’s value as a catalyst for greening practices and approaches
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