Christian Pennotti Lucho Osorio-Cortes Addis Ababa, 07 March 2014 Enhanced Monitoring Tools: Preliminary Design.


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Presentation transcript:

Christian Pennotti Lucho Osorio-Cortes Addis Ababa, 07 March 2014 Enhanced Monitoring Tools: Preliminary Design

Objective: To improve resilience of communities and systems in Ethiopia’s dry-lands to enhance prospects for long-term development where pastoralist livelihood systems prevail Approach: Use a facilitation and systemic approach PRIME Objective and Approach

Traditional monitoring tools are poorly aligned with demands of facilitation approach – long feedback loops, failure to capture full effects of intervention Leads to underestimating full USAID return on investment (VfM) and limiting PRIME’s ability to assess progress toward more sustainable livelihoods and resilience and implementation team’s ability to learn and adapt as the market changes In response, the team designed two pilot monitoring initiatives to be tested in the Somali and (possibly) Awash regions: – Independent scale-up (replication) of PRIME-supported activities – Improvements in the quality of relationships within the livestock market PRIME’s M&E Challenge

Financial Services: Do PRIME’s investments in developing a murabaha trader credit product with Somali MFI lead / contribute to replication / expansion of sharia products by Somali MFI and/or other FIs in Somali region? Changes to track: – Somali MFI creates new sharia-compliant products (PRIME supported) – Other FIs (banks / MFI) create new sharia-compliant products (Encouraged of PRIME) Independent Scale Up Focus / Finance

Animal Health Services: Do PRIME’s direct investments in improving performance of some PVPs & CAHWs lead / contribute to improved performance among PVPs / CAHWs not working with PRIME? Changes to track: – PRIME-supported PVP adoption of PRIME-supported activities – PRIME-supported PVP adoption of PRIME-encouraged activities – Non-PRIME-supported PVP (existing or new entrant) adoption of practices adopted by PRIME-supported PVPs – PRIME-supported PVP-linked CAWH adoption of PRIME-supported activities – Non-PRIME-supported PVP- (existing or new entrant) linked CAWH adoption of PRIME-supported activities Independent Scale Up Focus / Animal Health

Milk Trade: In Awash region, do PRIME’s investments in improved milk collection with specific traders lead to improved practices among other traders? Changes to track: – PRIME-supported milk traders/collectors adopting improved milk purchasing, hygiene and transport practices – Non-PRIME-supported (existing or new entrant) milk traders/collectors adopting PRIME-supported improved milk purchasing, hygiene and transport practices Independent Scale Up Focus / Milk Trade

Focus on livestock broker / trader relationship Focus on quantitative and qualitative dimensions of the relationships Aim to detect changes in broker / trader deal flow (volumes, values, frequency) as well as trust, perceptions of fairness and loyalty Hone in on changes driven by PRIME-supported activities: – Access to sharia-compliant trader credit – Access to holding grounds or feed lots – Access to knowledge (to improve business model) Lightly track effects of external factors such as policy changes, environment, etc Relationship Quality Focus / Broker/Trader

Business Environment Market Chain Input and Service Providers Market System as it is Now MFI CAHWs PVPs WHOLESALE RS LOCAL TRADERS BROKERS PASTORALISTS EXPORTERS OR LARGE TRADERS

CAHWs Business Environment PVPs WHOLESALE RS Market Chain Input and Service Providers LOCAL TRADERS BROKERS PASTORALISTS EXPORTERS OR LARGE TRADERS Independent Scale Up As a result of PRIME Interventions MFI Support to design and deliver sharia-compliant credit for traders Support to improve business models and capacity to upgrade pastoralists Support to improve business models and increase capacity to upgrade CAWHs

CAHWs Business Environment PVPs WHOLESALE RS Market Chain Input and Service Providers LOCAL TRADERS BROKERS PASTORALISTS EXPORTERS OR LARGE TRADERS Improved Relationship Quality as a Result of PRIME Interventions MFI Access to credit to increase livestock uptake Access to holding grounds or feed lots ?

PRIME has improved tools to monitor program progress and assess resilience in the livestock market in Somali region, with potential for expansion to other operating areas PRIME has better understanding of the structure and dynamics of the livestock system, leading to improved achievement of results PRIME team, CARE & PA Consulting have increased analytical and methodological capacity (systems thinking and M&E) USAID has increased knowledge about systemic M&E practices and methods for food security and resilience programming Expected Results