A. Citizens of England- the people living in the 13 colonies were Citizens of England. 1. As Englishmen, the colonists believed they were guaranteed certain rights by/from their government. i. i. Why did Englishmen believe they should receive certain rights from their government? ii. ii. How did the idea of Rights develop. iii. iii. How did this idea impact the people living in the colonies.
1215 – The Magna Carta * Grants rights to English Noblemen and Freemen only. * Limited the Power of the king 1689 – English Bill of Rights * Grants rights to all Englishmen * Guaranteed non- changeable civil and political rights 1735 – Zenger Trial * Grants the right of freedom of the press * Englishmen can criticize the government in writing.
A. The Enlightenment – A. The Enlightenment – is known as the Age of Science and Reason 1. Scientific movement that started in Europe. 2. Science and reason became pathways to gain knowledge 3. It was a time that led to scientific, political and social changes. 4. Scientist discover “natural laws” that govern the universe. i. i. Law of Gravity – what goes up must come down ii. ii. The Law of Cause and Effect - for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
5. Philosophers develop new ideas about government i. i. John Locke – English Philosopher introduces idea regarding Natural Rights. a. Natural Rights -Life, Liberty, and Property – come from being born – from God. b. Role of government -Protect these natural rights. - c. Altering Government - Governments that don’t protect natural rights can and should be changed or overthrown by the people
A.English Government A. English Government – As Englishmen the colonists followed the rules set forth by the British government. i. English government was a Constitutional Monarchy ii. King (monarchy) and Parliament 1. Parliament was the main law making body in the English government. i. i. The House of Commons – people elected into office by the people. ii. ii. The House of Lords – people with hereditary title, non- elected officials
B.Most Important Right B. Most Important Right– the ability to elect Representatives. 1. One of the most important rights an Englishman had was the right to elect representatives to the House of Commons in Parliament. i. i. Electing representatives to parliament meant that people had a say in the laws governing them. 2. The colonists were not represented in Parliament. i. i. This fact caused major problems in the future as we will see.