November 2011doc.: IEEE /1569r2 SubmissionMark Hamilton, Polycom, Inc.Slide 1 ARC Closing Report Date: Authors:
November 2011doc.: IEEE /1569r2 Submission Abstract This document is the closing report for ARC SC, November 2011, Atlanta meeting Mark Hamilton, Polycom, Inc.Slide 2
November 2011doc.: IEEE /1569r2 SubmissionMark Hamilton, Polycom, Inc.Slide 3 Work Completed 802 Overview and Architecture Draft 1.2 letter ballot –Discussed status of comment resolutions –Two items of interest to : Bit error rate and Packet error rate OUI-36 per p usage –Will likely need WG consolidated comments for next letter ballot in next couple of months – probably will schedule a teleconference once dates are known. P –Intent is to ‘glue’ together technologies for in-home networks –Make request to EC to request a formal liaison with P1905, explicitly to include document sharing. Minutes are in 11-11/1537
November 2011doc.: IEEE /1569r2 SubmissionMark Hamilton, Polycom, Inc.Slide 4 Teleconferences No specific plan, will schedule with 10 days notice Topic(s): –Next letter ballot on 802 Overview and Architecture –P liaison comments
November 2011doc.: IEEE /1569r2 SubmissionMark Hamilton, Polycom, Inc.Slide 5 January 2012 Goals One meeting slot planned to discuss 802 O&A comments
November 2011doc.: IEEE /1569r2 SubmissionMark Hamilton, Polycom, Inc.Slide AVB “Packet preemption”/ ultra-low latency Presentations to – pdfhttp:// pdf – networks-1111-v04.pdfhttp:// networks-1111-v04.pdf –General theme is “customer requirement” for ultra-low latency (< 3 to 20 us – on wired networks(?)) and/or highly predictable traffic –Requirements from Automotive and Industrial Control uses –Looked at Qav queue shapers and time-gated queues, insufficient to meet requirements 802.1AVB also discussed this topic with aa this week –Did not bring clear requirements for wireless networks – should monitor, be aware of this general push, and prepare to start considering an response No action for at this time – awareness only
November 2011doc.: IEEE /1569r2 SubmissionMark Hamilton, Polycom, Inc.Slide 7 Registration Authority Committee (RAC) ISO/IEC versions of Standards – (and other WGs) is working with JTC1/SC6 to get the ISO/IEC versions of Standards up-to-date (or withdrawn, as appropriate) –RAC expressed concern to be careful about maintaining a correct chain of control over the Registration Authority of OUIs (and thereby MAC address allocations), as documents are updated (and thereby, those documents’ references to the RAC) Vendor error resulting in use of incorrect OUI –Will likely lead to policy changes at RAC, and modified legal agreements attached to OUI allocations –A side-effect is consideration of a policy to support allocating a specific, requested OUI, for an additional fee. (Everyone get ready to request your “designer license plate”!) RAC is undergoing major discussions and changes to move to larger OUI/EUIs, up to EUI-64 (64 bits) –Due to large number of physical devices expected over next few years, plus usage of OUI-based address space for virtualized devices –Demand for addresses estimated to have quantities in the range, soon