Digital Radio Broadcasting Online radio broadcasting
Mairéad Meade M.A. Digital Cultures University College Cork 2015/2016
1 st Radio Broadcast, Xmas Eve, 1906
Online Radio: The "New" Radio Station Internet Radio
Online Radio Broadcasting Internet & Digital Radio There were over 4,000 radio stations streaming their content as of April, And it grew from 14% in 1999 to 23% in (M.C. Keith The Radio Station – Broadcast, Satellite & Internet. Elsevier Inc ) Wikipedia
My Dissertation: Exploration of Internet Radio as the new form of radio in a digital world.
Internet Radio Exploration of online radio stations as new phenomenon in terms of digital cultures worldwide
Research: Compare and contrast the effects of the digital world through the revolution of internet radio on varying cultures and traditions internationally Exploring data of online radio listenerships worldwide The 21st Century's Radio Station: The Internet
Data collection Worldwide radio figures UK, Ireland, Europe, Asia, America, Africa and Australia Collected online/ s
History of Radio Analogue radio & Digital radio
My project is a Theorem Mathematical equation Data collection Proof Conclusions Evidence/justification Proclamation Results
My digital artifact A piece of radio (A radio documentary) A final analysis of my results 30 minutes long approx.
Digital Radio/Laser Technology …is the Future !
That’s It ! Thanks for listening!