Growing Lemon Trees Videos and Viewing Questions for the English classroom
Growing Lemon Tree – Video 1 This is great because it feels like he is talking to us directly and shows everything clearly. UUJ2oFxffiDpBhPAaPgPxqw&index=42&feature=plcp Watch the video. Answer 5 question in a full sentence and be careful of your spelling, punctuation and proper use of tenses.
Viewing questions – Answer 5 1.What will he do? (future tense) 2.What equipment will he use? (future tense) 3.Is it expensive? Yes or No 4.How long does it take? What did he do? (past tense) 5.What problem do lemon seeds have? 6.How did he plant the seeds? (past tense) 7.Where should you put them? (modals of advice) 8.What should you do every day?
Growing Lemon Trees – Video 2 This one is peppy, so you have to describe what you see in one paragraph. st=UUUJ2oFxffiDpBhPAaPgPxqw&index=8&featur e=plcp st=UUUJ2oFxffiDpBhPAaPgPxqw&index=8&featur e=plcp Remember to have a topic sentence and write 5 full sentences and be careful of your spelling, punctuation and proper use of tenses
NOW IT'S YOUR TURN 1.Find a video that you can use with your students. 2.Create a presentation that has a link to a video, viewing instructions and questions. 3.Decide how you will assess the pupil's work. 4.Use this website to make a checklist: cklist=3 cklist=3 5.Put your work on our forum called Video Viewing
Sites for videos Teachertube Edutube WatchKnowLearn