The Center for Disease Control (CDC) By: Brenna, Hunter, Connor, Spencer
Location ●The location for the CDC is in Atlanta Georgia.
Sources Of Funding ● Procurement and grant office (PGO) awards over 25,000 in acquisitions and assistance. ● (PGO) donates $11 billion in federal funds. ● (PGO) aids in achieving CDC's mission by quickly and effectively donating funds to where they are needed.
Research Projects Underway ●CDC is conducting research to improve the understanding of ADHD. ●CDC is currently researching on birth defects and developmental disabilities. ●Some current studies: -patterns of illness. - improvements on diagnosis and treatments. -risk factors for diseases.
Method for Treatment ●CDC stops disease outbreaks before they spread and become worse. ●The CDC provides life-saving vaccines to people who have life threatening disease. ●CDC would conduct an investigation and provide technical assistance to cities, states or international partners dealing with the outbreak. ●Scientists would work to identify the cause and cure of the outbreak, but CDC acting with other federal and international agencies would send medical teams to help those in the affected areas.
Continued Method Of Treatment ●This assistance of CDC would include: -consultation -lab testing and analysis -patient management and care -tracking of contacts and infection control ●Scientists in the labs of CDC would work to develop a vaccine to combat the virus and then distribute and administer it to public.
Video 4E
Works Cited "centers for disease control and prevention." center disease control. U.S department of health, 18 Mar Web. 2 Apr " How CDC saves lives by controlling REAL global disease outbreaks." CDC Foundation. CDC Foundation. Web. 2 Apr "Research." Attention-Deficit /Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). N.p., 06 Oct Web. 2 Apr "CDC." Centers for Disease Control. US department of health, Web. 2 Apr "Research Cooperative Agreements." World Trade Center Health Program. CDC, 1 Oct Web. 5 Apr 2015.