Grow and Glow Snake Lab Report Review
Topic/Purpose Most people had the topic missing You should start with a purpose section of your lab report Topic of investigation should be identified and focused Tell us the purpose or the objective of the lab Why did you do this? What were you trying to find out? Different than the research question
Topic/Purpose The purpose of this lab is to observe and record the growth of the “snake” during a time period of 5 days. The lab is being done in order to see if the snake can actually grow the 600% claimed by the company… Shout out: Walter Cardona
Research Question Needs to be clear!!! Carefully worded and detailed. Must include the independent variable and dependent variable The DV must directly stem from the IV In this lab: IV= time in days in water (5) DV= growth of snake in length (mm), width (mm), weight (g)…
Research Question In this lab: IV= time in days in water (5) Common mistake: IV= growth of snake based on amount of water This can only be done if we had something to compare it to 5 snakes in 5 different containers with DIFFERENT amounts of water
Background Minimum of 2 sources!!!!! Proper citation technique (parenthetical referencing)- not a full website The background information is supposed to ENHANCE the understanding of the context of the lab
Background The grow and glow snake is a super absorbent polymer snake that is able to soak up water and grow its size. The material of the polymer is similar to the non-toxic chemical used in diapers. According to [source] if the toy snake is placed in water it can increase up to six times their initial size. The Grow and Glow company [AlleyOop] stated that the snake is about 9 inches long before any growth development takes place, and claims that if the snake is left in water over 72 hours, then the snake has the potential of increasing its size up to 600% [source]. Shout out- Janette Aguirre
Methodology Variables: (Factors that can be measured or controlled): You must list out and identify all of the following: a. Independent Variable: The variable that YOU manipulate (change), and the result of this manipulation leads to the measurement of the dependent variable (Make sure that you choose only one independent variable to change. Some people inadvertently choose more than one.) Ex: light (30w, 60w, 150w) b. Dependent Variable: What you are measuring. The variable that changes when you change the independent variable. Make sure to include how you will measure (g, mL, cm, etc)
Methodology Detailed variables!!!! Add all details. Be as specific as possible. In this lab: IV= time in days in water (5) DV= growth of snake in length (mm), width (mm), weight (g)… Include how you will define “growth” Define “time” YES. Many details are repeated for a second or third time in the lab.
Methodology Constants: The parts of the lab that will be the same for all parts of the experiment All the aspects of the experiment that must be kept constant to ensure that the tests/experiment is valid There will be several of these not just one! You must be thorough and think of as many controlled variables as you can. You must explicitly indicate how each controlled variable identified in your variables section was controlled. If you can’t actively control a variable then your method should include a means of monitoring it. Ex: The plants are all watered with the same AMOUNT of liquid, and get the same amount and type of light
Methodology Clear picture or diagram of set up WITH LABELS You should have a drawing or picture of the apparatus, which is annotated LABELED-tells what each item is and what it is being used for You may add a photograph, but it needs to be annotated A diagram of how you set up the experiment may be appropriate, especially for more complicated experiments. Be sure your diagram follows the rules for lab drawings (i.e. have clear labels, make the diagram large enough to see and understand, etc.)
Methodology ALL materials listed (clearly and precisely) Exact sizes of containers and concentrations of solutions
Methodology Then you need to write out what the procedure actually is. DO NOT write this as a narrative, it should be a numbered, step-by-step list. DON’T LEAVE OUT ANY STEPS. Do not assume anything. Write this as if the person is a student in middle school and doesn’t know how to do a lab. Be Specific about measurements, don’t say get some water, say HOW MUCH. The procedure is a directions list. Someone should be able to read them and repeat your lab exactly as you did it. EXPLAIN EVERYTHING. Make sure to tell us how you plan on collecting your data
Safety and Ethical Concerns Safety and Ethical Consideration: Show full awareness of the significant safety, ethical, or environmental issues that are relevant to the methodology of the investigation. If there are no ethical concerns, then include that information. I did not grade this section….BUT Almost no one had it Always include this portion in your labs
Safety and Ethical Concerns Since this experiment [does] not deal with any sort of living thing, the safety of animals is protected and there is no danger. This inanimate object allows students to safely proceed with an experiment rather than using a real animal to test on. As said in the package, this is an easy and safe experiment/toy [and we] can see results in just a couple of days. Shout out: Leslie Escalante
Qualitative/Quantitative Data Will the data directly address the research question? Appropriate title? All parts of the table CLEARLY labeled? Precision of the measuring devices used included with EACH table Included the +/- to the SMALLEST division of the device .01 g The use of decimals is consistent (at least 2 decimal place values)
Qualitative Data Qualitative Data: Write out your observations during the lab. What do you see? This shouldn’t include quantitative data (no #s) Hardly any one had ANYTHING in this section No one did an exceptional job in this area, some people had high marks ONLY because they even put in something that could be considered qualitative data In the future, this will not be so
Qualitative Data Some observations I noticed during the experiment was that the snake was only floating and not completely submerged in the water, especially part of the tail and head. This could have hindered the growth of the snake. Shout out: Mikee Lachica As is represented in the graph, I noticed that the snake grew noticeably at first, then as we continued, would grow less and less, until the final day, where we saw no difference in growth. Perhaps the snake could not grow any bigger in the size container we used. Shout out Steven Gonzalez
Quantitative Data Quantitative Data: Show your data that you collected in an organized form. Make sure the table is properly labeled.
Quantitative: Raw Data Table [NEEDS A TITLE] Shout out: Genesee Ayala
Processed Data Must be processed properly Must be in a table and/or graphical representation (I suggest both!!!) The use of decimals is consistent (at least 2 decimal place values) Uncertainties included with tables AND graphs A clear explanation of the test given with at least one clear example of the test being applied to raw data Allows the reader to see how you got your data SHOW YOUR WORK!
Processed Data Processed Raw Data: You then need to decide how you are going to process the data (percent changes, mean, standard dev, rates, chi square, t test etc.). In separate data tables, you need to show the result of your data processing. In this case it should have been % change When you take the data and do something to it, like find averages, slopes, changes, standard deviations, etc. this is processing the data. In any lab report you must have both raw and processed data included.
Processed Data Processed data should also be placed in tables in your lab report and then converted to graphs. Make sure you process the raw data CORRECTLY! Use headings in tables and graphs where possible to explain what section or step of the calculation you are doing. Full and appropriate consideration of the impact of measurement uncertainty on the analysis. Presenting Processed Data: Graph the raw and/or processed data
Uncertainties Include Uncertainties under ALL tables and graphs: Uncertainties are not the same as errors. A value that is in error is incorrect. It is not a true measure of reality. A value can be entirely correct but, no matter what, it can only be measured to a certain limit of precision – to only so many “decimal places”. This limit of precision is quantified as the uncertainty. The uncertainty for a piece of apparatus is either printed on the apparatus (ex: burette, volumetric glassware) or as a general rule of thumb is half the smallest measurable or cited value. Ex: If a balance can measure to two decimal places (0.01 g) then the error in a mass reading with this balance is ±0.005 g. In IB Biology, errors bars should also be included in your graphs.
Processed Data Table Shout out: Genesee Ayala
Processed Data: Graph Daily percent change (+/- uncertainties) Time (Days)
Processed Data: Graph Shout out: Essly Mendoza
Processed Data: Interpretation Processed data interpretation: Processed data is correctly interpreted so that a valid and detailed conclusion to the research question can be deduced. State the results of the processed data. Almost no one did this Write a short section on what your data processing shows!!!
Processed Data: Interpretation Interpret your results What do you see? Weight has the OBVIOUS highest increase
The percent change is evidently highest with weight, reach[ing] over 600% just as it was stated on the packaging. There was also exponential growth in weight from Day 2-3. However the length had a very slow increase in percent change….Neither did the width, length, and circumference [grow] relatively close to 600% Shout out: Mikee Lachica
Conclusion: Not graded in this lab Three parts- so AT LEAST three paragraphs Normally fills at least a page
Conclusion: Part I Give a valid conclusion based on your processed data and interpretation. DON’T JUST SAY MY HYPOTHESIS WAS CORRECT. You should acknowledge what your hypothesis was (restate hypothesis), and then explain how the data supports or refutes your hypothesis. Use the data, (don’t just say the temperature went up, and instead say the temperature increased 30° or that it increased 50%). Quote the data, don’t ask the reader to look back at the tables, tell the reader what the data in the tables is doing to prove or disprove the hypothesis. If you ask the reader to look at the data then are asking them to make the conclusion! Also, make sure to relate your findings to the original purpose of the lab. Is it a greenhouse effect lab? Then make sure you make reference to this when stating your findings.
Conclusion: Part II Evaluate the procedure. This does not mean that you go through the procedure step-by-step, you already did that. This means you evaluate how the procedure went, were there weaknesses or problems that lead to insufficient data or difficulties in obtaining good data? You should also discuss limitations of the experiment and possible sources of error. Evaluate weaknesses and limitations. Do this by analyzing your sources of error. Types of Errors: Human errors: when tools or instruments are used or read incorrectly Systematic errors: Are there flaws in the procedures used which could affect the result? Were important variables not controlled? Are the measurements and observations reliable? Is the accuracy of a result unknown because of a lack of replication? What assumptions are being made?
Conclusion: Part III Improvements: You must suggest improvements to the PROCEDURE. Complaining about not having enough time or being disorganized has nothing to do with the procedure. You need to suggest a minimum of 3 significant improvements. Anything less will result in a partial. You must explain why the improvements will lead to a reduction in systematic or random error. Suggestions that lead to increased precision are only worthwhile for experiments that require precise measurements (in an IB Biology class, precision experiments are rare). Suggestions such as “collect more data”, while valid and should be included with an explanation when appropriate, are fairly obvious and on their own are insufficient. Some suggestions such as “be more careful” are not appropriate. All you’re saying with a phrase like this is that you were careless on the day and you then will be marked down for manipulative skills. ** Mistakes: errors should not be confused with mistakes, such as spilling half of the chemical you just carefully weighed to the nearest milligram between the balance and volumetric flask. If a mistake is made you just have to start again. As far as your evaluations go, you do not need to mention or discuss mistakes – we all make them.