‘In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity. The important thing is not to stop questioning.’ Albert Einstein Good learning starts with questions, not answers. Guy Claxton, Bristol University ‘In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity. The important thing is not to stop questioning.’ Albert Einstein Good learning starts with questions, not answers. Guy Claxton, Bristol University 1 How can I use my questioning skills for maximum impact?
2 An average teacher asks 400 questions in a day That’s 70,000 a year! One-third of all teaching time is spent asking questions Most questions are answered in less than a second. Students questions are mostly on procedural points. Steven Hastings TES 4 July 2003
3 What’s the point in asking questions? What questioning strategies do you use?
4 to interest, engage and challenge pupils; to motivate students and prevent disruption; to check on prior knowledge and understanding; to focus pupils’ thinking on key concepts and issues; to help pupils to extend their thinking Seek the views and opinions of pupils encourage creative thought and imaginative or innovative thinking create a sense of shared learning and avoid the feel of a ‘lecture’ We ask questions to…..
What’s wrong with the use of questioning in this extract…. 0&feature=related 0&feature=related
Cold Calling: No hands up Random Name Generator Lollipop Sticks Numbers
Strategy One: Cold Calling c
Strategy Two - Pose, Pause, Pounce, Bounce Can you muster a Tigger-like Bounce in your classroom?
3. POUNCE! a.Insist that the answer to the question comes from student A and possibly student B! b.Of course plan in your mind who you are going to ask, before speaking to the class. What’s your question?
4. BOUNCE! a.Ask another student B their opinion of student A's answer b.This can be developed by asking student B and C their opinions to student A's response, irrespective if the answer is correct or not. c.An additional strategy is to Bounce the question onto a group A...and subsequently, a sub-group B if group A do not deliver a suitable way forward. d.This ensures the teacher is engaging a significant number of students with the question at hand, whilst using this strategy. It also ensures the entire class can be called upon at any given time by just returning to Pose or Pounce.
F Strategy Three: Not accepting first response Asking other students’ if they agree? Admitting perplexity and inviting elaboration Encouraging questions from students Maintaining silence at strategic points Fat questions
Strategy Four: Modelling Used to extend vocabulary and improve written responses “Now try expressing your opinion again, but this time adding in the word….diffusion”
Strategy Five Blooms – pre-planned questions
THINK PAIR SHARE Strategy Six -Think Pair Share 1. Think about it on your own for 1 minute 2. Discuss it with a partner for 1 minute. 3. Group discussion.
Strategy Seven - Wait Time
No one can teach, if by teaching we mean the transmission of knowledge from one person to another. The most that can be done is that one person more knowledgeable than another can, by asking him a series of questions, stimulate the other to think, and so cause him to learn for himself. Socrates And finally …