Feast of the Pandora Feast of the Pandora 指導老師:羅尹希 班級 : 餐旅二甲 學號 :498M0020 學生 : 陳思沄.


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Presentation transcript:

Feast of the Pandora Feast of the Pandora 指導老師:羅尹希 班級 : 餐旅二甲 學號 :498M0020 學生 : 陳思沄

Location open hours AM:11:30~2:30 PM:5:30~10:00 Monday~Friday make an appointment first

Seat Menu

Buffet Hors d'oeuvres salad salad

Generally row meal Price : 280~380 Includes : Buffet salad Beverage Ice cream Sirloin steak Chicken

Top row meal Price : 420~1200 Includes : Buffet salad Beverage Ice cream Puff Pastry Soup New Zealand belt bone Formosa Plastics Group beefsteak Australian 5A Wagyu Beef

information cns!B35D03B4A33C9FB3!21740.entryhttp://polo spaces.live.com/Blog/ cns!B35D03B4A33C9FB3!21740.entry WFRnbujEtOGPWGcNO31U- /article?mid=163http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!BarREs6 WFRnbujEtOGPWGcNO31U- /article?mid=163 ?Category=294183http:// ?Category=294183

The End Thanks for your listening Thanks for your listening !!