Avocado Get It While Its Ripe
Table of Contents Executive Summary Market Analysis Monitoring & Measurement Market Tactics & Implementation Plan Business Proposition Financials Citations & References
Executive Summary Avocado has become a very profitable product within the United States since the 19th century and Americans eat 80 million pounds. “It has achieved this distinction because many nutritionists claim it not only contains everything a person needs to survive — but it has also been found to contribute to the prevention and control of Alzheimer’s, cancer, heart disease, diabetes and other health conditions,” (Collins, 1) The business proposition of our group advertising project is to promote the healthy benefits of while showing different uses of the non-branded commodity. Problems- many manufacturers believe that the fruit is seasonal. The avocado is a very uncommon fruit to produce and grow.
Executive Summary Cont. Purpose-to inform the community the benefits eating avocado, while applying uses for the fruit into a daily routine The fruit is only known to be grown in Mexico and southern California. Target Audience- young adults, especially college students, exercise groups, stay-at-home mothers and chiefs. Media- the media engines that would be used are social media sites and magazines. We will create print advertising of avocado on magazines and video commercials between 15 and 30 seconds on social media. We would also create a social media page showing the importance of eating avocados and allow users to show their opinions on the fruit and the page.
Marketing Analysis The demand has grown just about every year for the past 15 years The rise is such that sales of Hass Avocados soared to a record of nearly 1.9 billion pounds last year, more than double the amount consumed in 2005
Marketing Analysis Con. Los Angeles still consumes the most avocados—some 300 million annually—but other cities, like New York, Dallas, Phoenix, and Houston are catching up. S Health Benefits, Multiple Uses, Popularity Growth, No Import Restrictions from Mexico, Available All Year Long W Packaged Products, Accessibility, High Cost, Poor Shelf Life O Can be used with other food products T High in Demand Healthy Related Food Products That Are Cheaper, Other Food Products Are More Accessible
Business Proposition Avocado can help control and prevent Alzheimer’s, heart disease, and diabetes. the avocado can remain good to use for two to three day; or a week in the refrigerator. major health component in keeping an individual able to perform to the best of their abilities. there are a few ways to apply avocado into your dieting routine: -cut the avocado in half and sprinkle it with herbal seasoning or maple syrup, -chop the avocado and add it to a salad -as a topping or side garnish for soup
Marketing Tactics and Implementation Plan Creating a slogan and creative strategy can show the importance of the avocado. Other promotional strategies can include creating a 30-second commercial, miniature brochure, and print ad of the health benefits of avocado. Product-the avocado. Place- It can be found in super markets, grocery stores, and a few convenient stores. Promotion-Using social media and creating print ads about the benefits of the avocado. -Magazines including Men’s Fitness and Women’s Health can be engines for the print ads. Price-the value of the California avocado crop during the inaugural year reached $10,700,000 -for young adults price would match with other competing fruits and vegetables
Monitoring and Measurement Creating a personal effectiveness evaluation for marketing content can help support you’re your business and group goals. Creating an automatic data collection, talk to industry peers, collect actionable metrics, and track conversations. One way to measure the effectiveness is to create a Facebook page and YouTube channel to calculate how many users visit the page and video commercial. Once every week or day, we must check the amount of people or viewers of our YouTube video commercial. At the bottom of the YouTube video, there is a count of how many people view your video. The goal is to get approximately 250,000 people within six months after the publishing of the video. Another way to measure effectiveness is to check the number of people who views our advertisement or likes our social media page gets weekly or daily. Our goal is to reach from 50 and 75 million people within a year mark from the start of the marketing process. We would also create a hashtag saying “#itsripe” within Facebook and Twitter and track how many people use it daily.
Financials Within the $200,000 budget limit given to the group we have decided to create print ads for local stores, a Facebook page of our advertising page, and a 30-second commercial on Youtube.com showing the benefits of avocado. Studies indicated that magazines charge less if one plans to run a print advertisement for a year. budget has been divided between these criteria: Our budget has been divided between: Print ad within a magazine for to a year: $9,000 Equipment cost for commercial production: $2,000 Using social media ads showing avocado: $2000-4,000 for a month. Additional information that can help influence the financials would be the price of how much will it be to setup a 5k run in honor of avocado and eating healthy. Financials can go towards making green t-shirts for the participants, creating venues for sponsors and other entertainment activities such as a concerts.
Citations and References Agriculture Marketing Resource Center. Avocados. September Chaker, Annie. Breaking Out of Guacamole to Become a Produce Star. September The Wall Street Journal. Collins, Danica. Avocado Health Benefits: Is It the World’s Most Perfect Food? Ferdman, Roberto. The rise of the avocado, America’s new favorite fruit. January 22, The Washington Post. Green, Rand. Demand for avocados in the U.S. market continues to climb as more fruit enters the market. August 06, The Produce News. How much Does Social Media Marketing Cost; media-market- ing-cost/ McPhillips, Cathy. A Simple Plan For Measuring the Marketing Effectiveness of Content. July 2014 Pinkerton, Ralph M. Avocado Advertising is a Profitable Investment. California Avocado Society 1963 Year- book 47: 26-27