The Great Gatsby Day 3: Daisy, James Gatz and the Title
The Green Light “Possibly it had occurred to him that the colossal significance of that light had now vanished forever. Compared to the great distance that had separated him from Daisy it had seemed very near to her… Now it was again a green light on a dock” (Fitzgerald 93). How does this change the initial image of Gatsby? “[H]e was content to be alone… I could have sworn he was trembling… nothing except a single green light, minute and far way” (20-21).
Who is Daisy? With your pod, try to figure out what Daisy means to each of the following characters: – Tom – Gatsby – Nick – Daisy Split your page into 4 areas and create an image that symbolizes this relationship/understanding – Include quotes/examples to help prove your points
James Gatz and Dan Cody Between pages 98 and 100, Nick tells us the true story of Gatsby – not the version Gatsby told him previously. “I suppose he’d had the name ready for a long time, even then. His parents were shiftless and unsuccessful farm people—his imagination had never really accepted them as his parents at all” (98). How does Gatsby’s time with Dan Cody shape who he is as a person? Why did Nick tell us this information now? – Why not wait until we have the whole tale of his time on Long Island?
Re-titling The Great Gatsby Fitzgerald had difficulty settling on the book’s title – Originally On the Road to West Egg – Then Trimalchio – Then Under the Red White and Blue or Gold-Hatted Gatsby Help F. Scott Fitzgerald rename the novel by choosing a title that you think fits the first 6 chapters. Write 3 persuasive paragraphs about your choice. Provide evidence and arguments to explain why your new title ideally suits the story. – You cannot title it The Great Gatsby Due at the end of class for credit!