Dr Nicholas Paul Principal Research Fellow, James Cook University ACIAR Project Leader: Diversification of Seaweed Industries in Pacific Island Countries ACIAR Seaweed Projects in the Pacific: Feasible, Sustainable and Commercial
ACIAR Fisheries Projects ACIAR Fisheries Program Manager – Dr Chris Barlow ACIAR Fisheries projects are developed based on priorities identified by partner countries. Currently ACIAR funds around $3 million per year for Pacific Fisheries projects. This is added to by in-kind from partner agencies, Australia and overseas. Project design: ACIAR funds research agencies (universities, SPC, WorldFish) to work in conjunction with agencies (Fisheries Depts, NGOs, USP) in Pacific countries. Research covers coastal fisheries and aquaculture
Current ACIAR Fisheries Projects Pearl industry development, health management & livelihoods, Fiji, PNG, Tonga (3 related projects) Improving technologies for inland aquaculture in PNG Support for mariculture development in PNG (2 overlapping projects) Sustainable management of sport fisheries for communities in PNG Sustainable management of the shark resources of PNG: socioeconomic & biological characteristics of the fishery Improving community-based aquaculture in Fiji, Kiribati, Samoa & Vanuatu Improving community-based fisheries management in Solomon Islands, Vanuatu & Kiribati (2 projects) Evaluating the impacts of improving postharvest processing of sea cucumbers in Fiji, Tonga & Kiribati Developing inland aquaculture in Solomon Islands Building research & project management skills in fisheries staff in PNG Diversification of seaweed industries in Fiji, Kiribati & Samoa
ACIAR Seaweed project Diversification of Seaweed Industries in Pacific Island Countries October 2013 – September 2017
Current ACIAR Seaweed Activities Aim The overall aim of this project is to provide the technological basis for diversification and revitalisation of seaweed industries in Pacific Island Countries. Objectives 1.improve production levels and post-harvest quality of Kappaphycus in Fiji and Kiribati; 2.consolidate production and post-harvest strategies for sea grapes in Samoa and Fiji; 3.assess opportunities for new seaweed bioproducts in PICs.
Fiji Tambalang variety
Fiji Sacol variety
Fiji New “maumere” variety
Fiji Gau Naweni Lakeba Labasa Savusavu Dama Yageta Nadi Suva Sawakasa Kumi Gau
Fiji Environmental monitoring of production sites Post-harvest quality assessment
Production trials
Samoa Vaisala Asaga Savaia Faleavu Extension work with villages on Upolu and Savai’i Manono tai Salelologa
Samoa Extension work with villages on Upolu and Savai’i
Samoa Extension work with Vaisala village, Savai’i
New sea grape seedstock facility at existing hatchery
Kiribati Tarawa – South Tarawa production sites New seaweed bioproducts MFMRD Sth Tarawa
Kiribati MFMRD Blooms and beach wrack on South Tarawa
Kiribati Compost: Seaweed – Leaf Mix. Start MFMRD
Kiribati Compost: Seaweed – Leaf Mix. Turn and tend MFMRD
Kiribati Compost: Seaweed – Leaf Mix. Finish (3 months) MFMRD
Kiribati Pot trials and tests of seaweed compost ratios MFMRD
Kiribati Production trials of green seaweed in the lagoon (high nutrients) MFMRD
Kiribati New seaweed bioproducts MFMRD Sth Tarawa
Kiribati A single production area of 5 ha (each red line) can produce 100 tonnes of seaweed per annum, removing 2 tonnes of nitrogen (treating >1000ML of coastal water) New seaweed bioproducts MFMRD Sth Tarawa Abarao trials
Conclusion FeasibleSustainableCommercial ✔ ✔✔
Acknowledgements ACIAR Fisheries Program Fiji - Ministry of Fisheries & Forests (Fisheries Department - Jope Kavoa, Richard Veeran) Fiji - University of the South Pacific (Institute of Marine Resources, Colin Shelley, Shirleen Bala, Cherie Morris) Samoa – Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries (Sapeti Tiitii and Inshore Fisheries Team) Kiribati – Ministry of Fisheries & Marine Resources Development (Karibanang Aram and Aquaculture team) Secretariat of the Pacific Community (Tim Pickering and Ruth Garcia-Gomez)