Psychology Mr. Beckwith Open Your Mind….
Classroom Guidelines Be on Time!! If absent, show pink slip, and check with me to see what you missed and make-up work. “If you fail to be prepared, be prepared to fail.” –B–Be prepared for class: Notebook (w/ paper) Pens/Pencils (blue or black ink only on all collected work) Textbook (only when needed) Homework on Board or Announced Bathroom/Locker Pass Policy Respect Each Other (Think, Question, Try)
Grading Tests – generally at the end of each chapter (roughly every two weeks) –6–60% of your class average Homework – scattered – probably works out to one written assignment per week –W–With less written assignments – not completing even one can largely impact your grade 40% of your class average Final Exam is a 4-6 page paper that incorporates course content and its connection to you personally – focused primarily on your personality and personality theory –A–Approximately 1 month to complete this assignment by the end of the semester 25% of course average
Areas we will cover: Introduction – History and Contemporary Schools of Psychology Research and the Scientific Method Basic Structure of the Brain and Nervous System –N–Nature vs. Nurture Altered States of Consciousness Learning: Conditioning Memory and Thinking Sensation and Perception Theories of Personality Development Infancy and Childhood Psychological Disorders
What do you think Psychology is? Why are you in this class? Share one area in your life where you think Psychology can help you or someone close to you? Or can it? How else does Psychology affect your life on a daily basis?