Rome Donors Meeting September 7th1 Consultation of AMC concept with key stakeholders Rome Donors Meeting September 7 th, 2006
2 Key Activities Key stakeholders were consulted through focused discussions with: Advisory Group Expert Committee Developing Countries Industry Biotechnology Companies Various technical partners Over the course of the development of a pilot AMC proposal, efforts were made to include the views of a broad range of parties:
3 Advisory Group: Membership Health policy makers, public health experts, researchers, industry and biotech leaders, immunization managers Developing country experts The partnerships of the six diseases of focus International organizations The advisory group provided a single group that brought together key consituencies
4 Advisory Group: Role Provide input and technical advice: Prioritization criteria for AMC pilot Vet data for Expert Committee papers on candidate vaccine-preventable diseases Provide input to pilot development including IAC, pricing and others Provide link to and from institutions / constituencies The advisory group was consulted throughout the development of the pilot proposal to advise on key aspects of design.
5 Developing Countries Consultation included engagement with the Africa Union and its NEPAD program and African Ministers of Health The AMC concept and its potential to accelerate priority technologies have been presented in several fora, including: Abuja Financing for Development Conference (21-22 May). African Union In addition to focused developing country consultation on the AMC itself, vaccine teams have worked with countries on assessing potential demand for pneumo and malaria vaccines.
6 Biotechnology Companies Biotech was a member of advisory group Consultation with biotech firms provided strong support Input in particular was provided on: Approach to modelling market size Specific concerns about early stage development Biotechnology companies are particularly active in early stage vaccine development and consultation focused on this aspect.
7 Industry Consultations with CEOs and working level representatives was carried out Industry was a member of the advisory group Strong interest in AMCs and have provided very useful input on: How firms will evaluate the AMC How the AMC might be structured to maximize its impact on private sector decision making Consultations were carried out both with industrialized and developing country vaccine industry