October 20, 2014 Dogwood Elementary School 7:00-8:30 pm
Bettrys Huffman - Title I Coordinator Terry Phillips - Title I Educational Specialist Tanya Zinn Jones - Title I Family Engagement Resource Teacher Guest Lynette Rowe - VP of Programs, Fairfax County Council of PTAs
Please introduce yourselves to the group! Share your name and the school you represent.
●Opening Discussion ●Purpose ●Title I Staff Response to Recommendations in the DAC Annual Report ●Division Title I Family Engagement Policy Review ●Executive Board Position Descriptions ●Executive Board Elections ●Bylaws review ●DAC School Board Charge ●Small group discussions: o What opportunities are there for parent leadership within your schools? Share out. o Brainstorm topics to discuss at upcoming meetings - Share out. ●Resources ●Reflection
Think about a time when you were in a position to advise someone. How did you go about advising this person? What was the outcome? Turn and talk to a neighbor about this.
School Board Charge: “Identify ways schools receiving Title I funding can foster parent efficacy, leadership, and advocacy across demographics as a way to strengthen partnerships in children’s education.”
Title I Team & DAC Reps will work together this year by…. ●Collaborating ●Exploring/Recommending ●Engaging/Sharing
●DAC Section ●Schoolwide Components ●Family Engagement Policies & School Home Compacts ●Early Literacy Programs ●Family Engagement Leaders ●Welcoming Atmosphere ●Accessibility ●Translations and interpreters
Chairperson - Deanna Doan Vice Chairperson - OPEN Secretary - OPEN Members at Large (3) - Joshua Kerns (Middle School), Mike Woltz (Elementary), OPEN Teacher Representatives (appointed): Hillary Press, Tatyana Cottle
A.Purpose B.Membership C.Committee Officers D.Meetings E.Amendments
Group 1 - What opportunities are there for parent leadership within your schools? (Mentoring, PTA, etc…)
Group 2 - What topics involving parent leadership and advocacy would you like to explore at upcoming meetings? (FCCPTA Panel, Early Literacy Programs, Immigrant Family Reunification Project, Specific Title I School Administrators or staff members, etc….)
●Fairfax County Council of PTAs Emerging Minority Leaders Conference (Lynette Rowe) ●Education Summit ●ESOL Meetings
What suggestions do you have for our next DAC agenda? What ideas would you like to pursue? What would you like to know more about? (Name and contact information optional)
Our next meeting: Monday December 1st Pine Spring Elementary Falls Church 7:00 - 8:30 CHILDCARE WILL BE PROVIDED! (AGES 4 AND UP)