Podcasting In Distance Education Pamela Loder
Need What problem gave rise to the innovation? What problem gave rise to the innovation? Listeners of audio blogs had to regularly check for new mp3 files, visit the website download them, then sync them to their mp3 players by hand. Listeners of audio blogs had to regularly check for new mp3 files, visit the website download them, then sync them to their mp3 players by hand. Inconvenience for taking audio content on the go. Inconvenience for taking audio content on the go.
Research Who were the “lead thinkers” for this innovation? Who were the “lead thinkers” for this innovation? The lead thinkers were Adam Curry and Dave Winer The lead thinkers were Adam Curry and Dave Winer How did they convince a manufacturer to produce it? How did they convince a manufacturer to produce it? They did not have to convince a manufacturer to produce it They did not have to convince a manufacturer to produce it
Research What research organization developed a solution to the need? No research organization was needed to develop a solution to the need. Adam Curry and Dave Winer developed a solution to the need. How did they convince a manufacturer to produce it? They did not have to convince a manufacturer to produce it
Development Who was the intended audience for the innovation? The intended audience for the innovation was anyone and everyone The academic realm has benefited from this innovation What problems did the innovation encounter in the development process? The innovation encountered the problem of having to manually download new podcasts
Commercialization Describe the production, manufacturing, packaging, marketing and distribution of the innovation. Podcasts are available online, some are free
Podcasting Timeline 2001 RSS Feeds become more popular. Adam Curry and Dave Winer develop an enclosure elements that aggregated audio files via RSS 2003 Dave Winer creates an RSS feed with enclosures. Adam Curry creates an open source pod catcher Google announces that there were over 100 million hits on their search engine for information on podcasts 2005 Podcasting is born. Podcasting becomes officially named and detailed instructions appear on the web 2001 Dave Winer creates an RSS feed with enclosures. Adam Curry creates an open source pod catcher Dave Winer creates an RSS feed with enclosures. Adam Curry creates an open source pod catcher Dave Winer creates an RSS feed with enclosures. Adam Curry creates an open source pod catcher Dave Winer creates an RSS feed with enclosures. Adam Curry creates an open source pod catcher Dave Winer creates an RSS feed with enclosures. Adam Curry creates an open source pod catcher Google announces that there were over 100 million hits on their search engine for information on podcasts Dave Winer creates an RSS feed with enclosures. Adam Curry creates an open source pod catcher Google announces that there were over 100 million hits on their search engine for information on podcasts Dave Winer creates an RSS feed with enclosures. Adam Curry creates an open source pod catcher Google announces that there were over 100 million hits on their search engine for information on podcasts Dave Winer creates an RSS feed with enclosures. Adam Curry creates an open source pod catcher Podcasting is born. Podcasting becomes officially named and detailed instructions appear on the web 2005 Google announces that there were over 100 million hits on their search engine for information on podcasts Dave Winer creates an RSS feed with enclosures. Adam Curry creates an open source pod catcher RSS Feeds become more popular. Adam Curry and Dave Winer develop an enclosure elements that aggregated audio files via RSS Podcasting is born. Podcasting becomes officially named and detailed instructions appear on the web 2005 Google announces that there were over 100 million hits on their search engine for information on podcasts Dave Winer creates an RSS feed with enclosures. Adam Curry creates an open source pod catcher. 2001
Podcasting S-Curve Time of Adoption Users (millions) Maximum Innovation
Podcasting Rate of Adoption Podcast Users (millions) Year
S-Curve Identify and Discuss: Innovators Early Adopters Majority Early Majority Late Laggards
References Copley, J. (2007). Audio and video podcasts of lecture for campus-based students: Production and evaluation of students use. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 44(4), Richardson, W. (2006). Blogs, wikis, podcasts, and other powerful tools for classrooms. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. Villano, M. (2008). Building a Better Podcast. T.H.E. Journal, 35(1),