Welcome to ABS 320 Applied Social Psychology?
Activities Today Welcome and Introduction Class Expectations (for one another) What is Social Psychology? Newspaper through the Lens of a Social Psychologist Service Learning Option (guest – Patti Gorman) Review Syllabus
Definition of social psychology The influence that people have upon the beliefs and behavior of others.
Situational and Dispositional Explanations Situational explanations look to factors outside of the person – in the environment, when trying to explain behavior and attitudes. Dispositional explanations look to factors within the person – personality, temperament for example when trying to explain behavior and attitudes.
People who do People who do crazy things are crazy things are not necessarily not necessarily crazy! crazy!
Concerns of social psychology How are people influenced? Why do people accept influence? What variables increase and decrease the effectiveness of social influence? Is the effect permanent or transitory? Do the same principles apply to everyone?