A valuable resource !
In this world we rely on fossil fuels to basically keep this world turning. We are running out & fast !
Fossil fuels are thought of as cornerstones of our modern age. They generate our electricity, heat our homes, fuel our cars, even form plastics from which many of our modern conveniences are made. Despite this, fossil fuels have played a key role for hundreds of years of our history, driving our transition from a primitive and pre-industrial society to one capable of both encircling this world and reaching beyond.
Goods : Fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas are good fuels because they can be burned. These substances contain chemical energy that can be easily released to create thermal energy by burning them. Good for business. Bads;
Fossil fuels like oil and coal produce lots of greenhouse gases. Coal is one of the most polluting fuels used today. For countries that have much of it may be considered good because it is a source of fuel, but in general it's a very dirty and polluting fuel, bad for the environment as the burning of it releases carbon dioxide from it (as it contains a lot of carbon), which is a major greenhouse gas and leads to more global warming.
gasoline, iron ore, coal, natural gas, oil
A valuable resource that will never run out, unless the sun BLOWS UP !
Theirs a lot of renewable resources in this world that we can use instead of fossil fuels. The energy we are using in our invention is solar energy.
Edmud Becquerel observed and published the finding of turning sun light into energy. 1883-Charles Fritz turned the sun's rays into electricity. His solar cell had a conversion rate of only 1-2%.Another big milestone for solar energy history!