Policy Framework WG Agenda 49 th IETF, San Diego Co-chairs: Joel Halpern, Ed Ellesson,
Monday (3:30 – 5:30pm) 1.Intro/Objectives/Milestones: Joel, 10 min. 2.Agenda Bash: Ed, 5 mi. 3.QDDIM: Bob Moore, Editor. Total: 30 min. (20 minutes issues presentation, plus 10 min. for discussion) 4.QPIM: QPIM Author(s) Total: 30 minutes (20 minutes issues presentation, plus 10 min. for discussion) 5.QDIM/QPIM compatibility w/ DiffServ: Tot.30 min (Conceptual Model, MIB, and PIB Issues discussion) 6.Wrap-up: Ed and Joel, 15 min. (Summary and short re-review of Wed agenda)
Wednesday (9:00 – 11:30am) 1.Intro/News since Monday: Ed and Joel, 5 min 2.IPSP's PCIM-based Model: Lee Rafalow/IPSP Participants: Total 30 min (20 min + 10 discuss) 3.Applying/Linking Policy: QDDIM, QPIM, IPSP: 30 minutes (Issues) 4.PCLS Update: Ryan Moats: 10 min. on issues, Ed Ellesson: 10 min on security considerations. Tot Polterm harmonization: Andrea:20 minutes 6.QPIM/QDDIM Queues/Schedulers, 3 pictures: Walter, 15 min (Continued from Monday) 7.(If time permits) Use of policy in AAA Architecture: Cees deLaat, and John Vollbrecht: 10 minutes 8.(If time permits) MPLS: MPLS Policy Draft Author(s): Use of policy in MPLS: 10 min update 9.Wrap-up, and charter milestones re-visit: 10 minutes, Ed, Joel and Bert
Monday summary QDDIM: –Differences with DiffServ resolved –2 nd discussion: 3 pictures on Wed. –Rsvp/intserv in common with diffserv: traffic handling and conditioning, adm control (added per Yoram Bernet’s note) QPIM: –linkage with QDDIM: Overlap: Need added text/terminology to describe how/why policy objects are different from device level view in QDDIM. –Configuration, policy and state distinctions. Device independent, mechanism independent Configuration vs. state Config vs. op. behavior –PCIM extensions draft (Yes) –RSVP – with diffserv in same network. Positioning statement at least. –Mechanism vs. policy? Examples that show the level needed?
Wednesday summary IPSP: –Take a look at sequenced action similarities with QPIM Packet classification work effort proposed: Small design team Express design goals Consider to converge or not: single field generic (filter entry), variables/operators/values, sgl field specific (ipsp), multifield specific (6-tuple), do this in the separate, common document, with general purpose mechanisms, or understand why not, with guidelines for further application to other domains. mapping the methods, one to the other, if multiples still exist Terminology Draft: Rev in few weeks, then last call Schedulers/Queues, author consensus: two weeks on list –Properties in an indep class (potential modification to this), hierarchical schedules with chaining, and adding success/fail associations MPLS Policy: Authors discuss among and wg chairs, and their AD’s. Policy charter does not cover this. Technologly specific working groups need to address this, just like mibs/pibs Co-chairs will work with Bert on Charter/WG Schedule