Click to edit Master title style 1 Financial aspects of closure European Commission Michael HILL, DG Regional Policy
2 Calculation of the final payment Calculation in comparison with an Interim Payment: –no capping at measure level –flexibility of up to 2% at priority level CLOSURE PAYMENT = the smallest amount of calculation results: –by measure –by priority –by area (transitional and non-transitional)
3 Guidelines on closure of assistance ( ) from the Structural Funds, Section 8. : First step: Calculation at measure level = the smaller amount of the following: - the amount produced by applying to the declared eligible expenditure the rate of Community co-financing - the amount declared in the certified statement of final expenditure as being the Community contribution
4 Guidelines on closure of assistance ( ) from the Structural Funds, Section 8. : Second step: Calculation at priority level : - the Community contribution stated in the financing plan of the last decision approved by the Commission increased by 2 %
5 Guidelines on closure of assistance ( ) from the Structural Funds, Section 8. : Third step: Calculation at programme level : - the Community contribution stated in the financing plan for transitional (“phasing-out”) and non-transitional (“core”) areas cannot be exceeded. Calculation example – MS Excel >>