RATIONALE To gather information about a students’ academic performance; to report on this performance; and to provide support and direction for teaching and learning In this way compliancy of all role players can reasonably be relied on.
Assessment and Reporting Tracking and Remediation Struggles
Assessment and Reporting 7 reports per year 4 are the usual end of term reports 3 are mid term reports reflecting additional work beyond the normal curriculum A report is given at the end of each assessment period. Reports are filed in a Report File (Flip file). Thus each student has a report file that tracks his or her performance from the time they enter school until they leave.
The Reporting System has the following merits: Helps with student motivation Ensures Continual support It is inclusive - Engages all role players student, teachers, parents and the carers Students who suddenly perform poorly can be identified- this is particularly important for our context given the socio-economic circumstances Encourages a whole school approach to assessment – students know what expectations are and provides consistency Targeted intervention Can inform school improvement programmes i.e. the kind and intensity of intervention Helps to identify students at risk Also informs on the record of attendance Also informs on students who have missed a test, task or an assignment
Accessibility and Storage
TRACKING AND REMEDIATION Tracking Grade teams meet together with the grade head to discuss and examine the results using a schedule of results for the grade. 6 meetings of grade teams will occur for the year. Grade teams decide on the remediation This is an holistic approach where the total performance of the child is under discussion.
Remediation Requires detailed planning and organisation for it to work. The extent of remediation would depend on the size of the school and the number of students requiring intervention Student requiring attention beyond what usual remediation offers, are regarded as ‘ At Risk’ Other options will be considered for ‘At Risk’ students This aspect of the teaching and learning cycle is extremely important and possibly the most neglected
Struggles With 7-assessment reports: the first report is issued after only 4-5 weeks in a new grade marks of mid-term reports may seem unrealistically high and give a false impression of performance Are 7 reports an over-kill
administration requires a lot of planning and overseeing It is at the discretion of the individual teacher when and if they can provide remediation It would be wrong to suggest that this is a seamless process and that there is 100% compliance throughout Nor can it be assumed that mid term reports necessarily leads to improvement. This has never been studied. excellent students usually a small number with a large tail – this tail ends up remaining because throughout the next few years with these students giving up earlier on because they know they will never meet the standards of the excellent students – this criticism has some merit Another criticism is that it is very results driven at the expense of other important issues to do with education